Pressure Points - Governor Vessel

GV 20: BAIHUI (Hundred Meetings)
7 cun above the posterior hairline, at the intersection of the median line at the vertex with a line drawn from the from the angle of the jaw through the apex of the ear and over to the other ear apex. In the galea aponeurotica, to the left and right of which are commonly found parietal foramen.
Bahui is one of the points that are used for many healing applications, it is also a knock out point where a medium to hard strike is concerned. The point has to be struck right on using the heel palm or else you should use the whole palm in a slapping type motion to also get the "inner square" group of extra points. (Covered in the chapter on the extra points). It is however hard to get to unless you have the techniques to get at it. Local pain from Qi drainage causing the legs to become weak. Will also cause the attacker to go into shock.
GV 21: QIANDING (Before Top)
1.5cun anterior to GV 20.
Shock to the brain causing knock out. Power leaves the body and then the legs go weak. Can cause brain dysfunction and death using the correct weapon. Nausea.
GV 22.: XINHUI (Fontanel's Meeting)
3 cun anterior to GV 20, 2 cun posterior to the anterior hairline.
Blurred vision or temporary blindness. A shock wave travels down to the front of the chest causing disorientation. Pain will happen a few minutes after the strike.
GV 23: SHANGXING (Upper Star)
1 cun within the anterior hairline, 4 cun anterior to GV 20, on the midline. At the border between the left and right frontalis muscles.
This strike will cause momentary blindness or blurred vision as well as cause nasal problems in the long term. Local pain caused through Qi drainage.
GV 24: SHENTING (Spirit's Hall)
On the midsagittal line of the head, 0.5cun within the anterior hairline.
This point can cause brain damage struck hard enough. Many people actually use head butts with this point, but they are looking for health troubles doing so. Always use the side of your forehead when giving a head butt. It is difficult to get a knock out as there is much protection here. Better to use GB 14 or 15.
GV 25: SULIAO (Plain Seam)
At the tip of the nose.
A whack on the nose is not nice any time. Causes yang Qi drainage and shock. This is an obvious point to strike causing physical damage as well as great local pain and nose bleeding. In the healing area, this point can be used instead of GB 20 as a shock point and for low blood pressure. It will have an affect upon the lungs as the lungs are expressed in the nose. A whack here obviously causes the senses to be confused and similarly, healing using this point will clear the senses.
GV 26: RENZHONG (Philtrum)
Below the nose, a little above the midpoint of the philtrum (approximately 1 third the distance from the bottom of the nose to the top of the lip). In the orbicularis oris muscle.
This is a classic revival point for shock. However, when struck it gives shock and upsets the Qi balance of the whole body. This area is very sensitive having a whole heap of nerves in this area. A hard strike here will cause death or knock out at the least with the whole body going into spasm from the nerve strike. You can test this point by having someone stand, bent at the waist. Try and push their waist to upright with them resisting. It is very difficult. Now, place only one finger across the point and press upwards, they will stand up immediately. Only a light tap here is enough to cause shock. It is one of the more dangerous points.
GV 27: DUIDUAN (Exchange Terminus)
On the median tubercle of the upper lip, at the junction of the philtrum and the upper lip.
This is a good dim-mak point as it is easy to get to. It’s main feature in dim-mak is that it causes shock to the whole system from the lower lumbar region to the brain causing mental disorders and confusion. The least is that it will knock his teeth out!
GV 28: YINJIAO (Gums Junction)
Between the upper lip and the upper labial gingiva, in the frenulum of the upper lip.
Not a point I would try to strike as it is on the inside of the mouth and other points are more dangerous. This is more of a healing point.
This brings me to the end of the GV meridian. As you can see, the GV meridian like the CV meridian has many very dangerous points. Training in GV and CV strikes will probably be all that you would ever need for self defence in fact you will probably only ever be able to safely say that you would use four or five of these points automatically in a life of death situation.