Pressure Points - Governor Vessel

Rob Broad

Master of Arts
MTS Alumni
Dec 12, 2003
Reaction score
Sarnia , Ontario, Canada
Even though has posted the information about pressure points, we want to make sure everyone knows that if they do attempt to manipulate them they do so at their own risk. It is suggested that the Pressure Point information found on be only used for reference material, and that you seek out a qualified instructor to learn this material from.

Please use this material responsibly.
GV 1: CHANGQIANG (Long Strength)
Midway between the tip of the coccyx and the anus. Chang means long and Qiang means strong, the spinal column is long and strong and the Point is located at the lower end of the spinal column below the tail bone.
When struck straight up in to the point. It can cause unconsciousness, and mental disorders and also physical disorders to the anus. It is a ‘luo (connecting point) for the eight extra meridians so Qi damage here is great. It is the ‘sea of yang’ point while the CV1 is called the ‘sea of yin’, so a strike here will also unbalance the whole energy system of the body. Not easy to get to though. I would consider other points before this one in a self defence situation. Not good sticking your toe up into his anus if you should miss!
GV 2: YAOSHU (Lower Back's Hollow)
In the hiatus of the sacrum.
This point does mainly physical damage to the lower backbone, mainly the sacrum, it has to be struck quite hard to cause both physical damage and Qi damage. So this is a point that I would not consider in a dire situation unless the attacker were standing still with his back to me. This point can do mental damage as well as damage to the kidneys.
GV 3: YAOYANGGUAN (Lumbar Yang's Hinge)
Below the spinous process of the 4th lumbar vertebra, in the lumbodorsal fascia and the supraspinal and interspinal ligaments.
When a person has weak kidneys, you will notice that their legs are not too strong. And when and if you begin to have kidney problems, the first symptom is that your legs will become weaker. In particular your knees will begin to buckle when for instance stepping up higher stairs and you notice that before, you could bound up these stairs, now, you have difficulty. This is because the kidneys control the knees and when the kidneys begin to go so too do the knees. This point controls kidney Qi and when struck, this control goes haywire weakening the knees and also the waist. So this point works really well with a strike to SP 19 which also acts upon the opposite leg (to the strike). A hard strike here of course will also damage the spinal discs in this area so permanent physical damage could result.
GV 4: MINGMEN (Life's Door or Gate of Life)
Below the spinous process of the 2nd lumbar vertebra, in the lumbodorsal fascia and the supraspinal and interspinal ligaments.
This is the ‘gate of life’ point and great damage can be done with a hard strike downwards to this point. The recipient will feel a ‘ring’ of pain going around the waistline and rising upwards into the head as this strike will affect the whole yang energy of the body and also will damage kidney jing thus making for a very sick attacker. Left untreated, this strike could cause a delayed death point strike with the recipient dying up to two weeks later from Qi stagnation and finally stoppage.
GV 5: XUANSHU (Suspended Axis)
Below the spinous process of the 1st lumbar vertebra.
Great physical pain with a spreading sensation around to the front of the body and up into the lungs. This strike causes one to breath out deeply and to buckle up and fall down. It must however be struck right on the point using a smaller weapon such as a one knuckle punch.
GV 6: JIZHONG (Middle of Spine)
JI here means spine and Zhong means middle. The spine has a total of 21 vertebra, this Point is below the spinous process of the 11th vertebra and is therefore in the middle of the spine.
This point will cause much the same damage as for GV 5. The only difference is that because of its location (same for the next two points) there will be an effect like being struck in the guts, as the lungs will also be affected physically.
GV 7: ZHONGSHU (Middle Axis)
This POINT is below the spinous process of the 10th thoracic vertebra and is like a pivot in the middle of the spine. Zhong means middle and Shu means pivot.
Same as for GV 6 only even more lung damage with coughing and gasping for breath. This strike will also have an effect on the brain with a rush of energy moving upwards to shock the brain and this can cause knock out.
GV 8: JINSUO (Sinew's Shrinking)
Below the spinous process of the 9th thoracic vertebra
Again, this will have much the same effect as for GV 7. Only with more lung damage. The eyes could also lose temporary sight should this strike be very hard. This strike can kill done hard enough using perhaps an elbow strike.
GV 9: ZHIYANG (Reaching Yang)
Below the spinous process of the 7th thoracic vertebra, in the supraspinal and interspinal ligaments.
This point will also affect the lungs causing coughing and Qi drainage. it will also have an affect upon the liver and gall bladder. The Qi flow will be disrupted and physical damage to the spine is also caused. Struck hard enough and the fight is over.
GV 10: LINGTAI (Spirit's Platform)
Below the spinous process of the 6th thoracic vertebra, in the supraspinal and interspinal ligaments.
This point strike will cause a loss of power by attacking the diaphragm. Not as much as a strike to CV 17 though. Obvious physical damage to the spine and central nervous system, and the heart may stop when a hard strike is felt. This point also has a damaging affect upon the communication between ‘spirit and mind’. Thus causing a detached feeling that gets worse if left untreated.
GV 11: SHENDAO (Spirit's Path)
Below the spinous process of the 5th thoracic vertebra.
Obvious physical damage to the spine. This point also causes mental disorders, too much worry and grief, mental depression and loss of memory which will get worse as time passes. Palpitation will also be a part of one’s life when this point is struck and not treated.
GV 12: SHENZHU (Body's Pillar)
Below the spinous process of the 3rd thoracic vertebra, in the supraspinal and interspinal ligaments.
This point is a good point to cause lung damage. Coughing fits, and even asthma may be caused with this strike if left untreated. It will also have an effect upon the Qi of the whole body causing Qi imbalance which will lead to severs general illness over a period.
GV 13: TAODAO (Way of Happiness)
Below the spinous process of the 1st thoracic vertebra, in the supraspinal and interspinal ligaments.
This point has the potential to cause the bones of the body to weaken over some time. It will also cause mental disorders and obvious spinal damage.
GV 14: DAZHUI (Big Vertebra)
Between the spinous process of the 7th cervical and the 1st thoracic vertebra, in the supraspinal ligament. Da means large and Zhui means vertebra, this Pt is below the prominence of the 7th cervical vertebra which is the largest of the vertebra.
When a downwards strike is felt, the recipient will feel a great drainage of Qi causing him to want to sleep. A gross lack of energy is apparent and even the raising of an arm is difficult. Obvious spine damage. When struck upwards, this causes a rush of energy to the upper body causing confusion and tearing of muscles when they are used, as in the case where he tries to strike you etc. Profuse sweating is caused by both of these directions and weakness. This point is used when a strike has caused a detachment between heaven and earth, and the patient has a detached feeling, scattered mind etc. This point can be tapped lightly with the fingers to cause someone who is perhaps tired, driving a car and needs to be ‘revived’. Or you can place some ice over the point to cause sleep.
GV 15: YAMEN (Door of Muteness)
At the midpoint of the nape, 0.5cun above the natural hair line in the depression 0.5cun below GV 16.
Now we come to some of the most dangerous point strikes. GV 15 will cause knock out in the very least and death in the most. You cans also strike to other dangerous points such as BL 10 and GB 20 at the same time, but why bother? This point all by itself will cause enough damage to send you to jail for using excessive force! In between knock out and death we have strange things like could cause the recipient to become mute! Extreme dizziness and even deafness and schizophrenia. It would be overkill to use this point.
GV 16: FENGFU (Wind's Dwelling)
Directly below the external occipital protuberance, in the depression between the trapezium muscles of both sides, 1 cun within the natural hairline at the back of the head.
If there is a more dangerous point than GV 15, then this is it. Its location is over important ‘life centres’ of the body such as the respiratory centre located in the rhombic depression of the 4th venticula. Again, knock out in the very least and death in the most. With things like dizziness and mental disorders in between. A long term effect of this strike is that the sensory organs will slowly lose their potency with the sense of smell being the first to go. This point has a direct connection to the "sea of marrow" or the brain, so any strike here is devastating. This strike should not be used in the case where you just wish to control the attacker. It must be a very serious situation to use this point.
GV 17: NAOHU (Brain’s Household)
1.5 cun above GV 16, superior to the margin of the occipital protuberance.
This point is an extremely dangerous point. It is situated close to foramen magnum, said to be the ‘gate of the brain’. Knock out in the least and death in the most. Dizziness to the extreme with falling down and aphonia in between the two extremes.
GV 18: QIANGJIAN (Between Strength)
1.5 cun above GV 17, midway between GV 16 and GV 20
A straight in strike will cause a shock wave to go into the brain thus causing knock out. This point is quite a well known knock out point and many have demonstrated its ability to cause knock out with relatively little pressure. Especially used with the set up strike this point causes the recipient to fall down and have a heavy feeling in his head, requiring much work to stand up again.
GV 19: HOUDING (Behind Top)
1.5cun above GV 18, 1.5cun behind GV 20 on the midline.
Even alight blow here right on target will cause shock to the brain as well as great local pain caused by an energy drainage. The pain here is so great that a light to medium blow will cause the recipient to have to sit down. It is fairly well protected at this point, but it is the shock wave that does the damage.