Pressure Points - Bladder

BL 20: PISHU (Spleen Hollow)
1.5cun lateral to the lower border of the spinous process of the 11th thoracic vertebra. In the latissimus dosi muscle, between the Longissimus & iliocostalis muscles.
This is quite an amazing point to strike. It is commonly called the "vomit" point in dim-mak circles. This point attacks just about every organ in the whole body and also attacks "earth". It will cause great nausea and vomiting by attacking the stomach and digestive organs, it will attack the liver and gall bladder and in particular the spleen which causes the liver to become ‘hot’. One if the jobs for the spleen is the transportation of Qi, hence this point’s ability to attack all organs. The liver becomes hot and so affects ‘earth’ which in turn damages further the spleen and so a viscous cycle is set up. Do not play around with this point!
BL 21: WEISHU (Stomach's Hollow)
1.5cun lateral to the lower border of the spinous process of the 12th thoracic vertebra. In the lumbodorsal fascia, between the Longissimus and iliocostalis muscles.
Great power loss is felt when this point is struck. Again, extreme nausea is felt as well as liver damage.
BL 22: SANJIAOSHU (Triple Burner's Hollow)
1.5cun lateral to the lower border of the spinous process of the 1st lumbar vertebra. In the lumbodorsal fascia, between the Longissimus and iliocostalis muscles.
This is a special point for the metabolism of water. It also affects the whole triple heater, literally, the whole body’s Qi flow. So a strike here not only causes instant effects such as extreme Qi drainage, but also long term affects such as body lubrication, which in turn could cause things like joint diseases.
BL 23: SHENSHU (Kidney's Hollow)
105cun lateral to the lower border of the spinous process of the 2nd lumbar vertebra. In the lumbodorsal fascia, between the longissimus and iliocostalis muscles.
This is the Shu Point of the kidneys. So great kidney damage is done. Now as much as a strike to GB 25, but enough to cause considerable kidney failure or blood in the urine. There is a technique which I will show in the application part for this point, called "Kidney Damaging Method". I have had personal experience with this method with the recipient being hospitalised because of kidney damage and blood in the urine. The damage to this point is instant with the recipient not being able to carry on, and if quite a hard strike, he will fall instantly. Should he not receive medical help, the kidneys will slowly fail causing death. Again be warned, this strike should not be played around with, ESPECIALLY after noon!
Another area of damage, little known to most instructors, is that this strike will cause an excessive build up of yang energy in the upper heater, resulting in fainting and eventual death!
BL 24: QIHAISHU (Sea of QI Hollow)
1.5cun lateral to the lower border of the spinous process of the 3rd lumbar vertebra. In the lumbodorsal fascia, between the longissimus and iliocostalis muscles.
The immediate damage of this strike is that the power in the legs goes, as well as power in the back. So the recipient falls down. This point does have a more sinister damage however. I have known a number of people who have been struck in this area as a result of sports injuries etc. The long term result is always the same. The lower heating space, that which is below the waistline, begins to grow! Until the person is extremely overweight and having problems with heart disease as a result. The healing aspects of this point are the exact opposite, we treat BL 24 to alleviate obesity.
BL 25: DACHANGSHU (Large Intestine’s Hollow)
1.5cun lateral to the lower border of the spinous process of the 4th lumbar vertebra. In the lumbodorsal fascia, between the longissimus and iliocostalis muscles.
This is the Shu point of the colon and as such great colon damage can occur. Immediately nausea is felt, so much so that the recipient cannot carry on. Great local pain is also felt at this point thus draining Qi from the lower heater. At a later time, if this condition is not fixed, the person will go into stagnation and then into decay through the action of the colon not being able to get rid of bad Qi. It is the job of the colon not only to get rid of physical waste, but also internal Qi waste.
BL 26: GUANYUANSHU (Hinge at the Source)
1.5cun lateral to the lower border of the spinous process of the 5th lumbar vertebra. In the sacrospinalis muscle.
This point is the ‘Shu of the door of vital essence’. This is called the ‘life force’ point because of its action upon the ‘Chong Mei’ one of the eight extra meridians. The immediate effect is lower body damage particularly to the leg on that side. An energy drainage will occur thus causing nausea. In the long term however, it is a bit more dangerous as this strike will affect the whole Qi system, in particular the life force system. The Qi flow in the Chong Mei will be damaged and slowly be blocked so that the Qi will have to find another route. Later in life, illness will start to creep in, more hospital and operations etc.
BL 27: XIAOCHANGSHU (Small Intestine's Hollow)
At the level of the 1st posterior sacral foramen, 1.5cun lateral to the GV MO. Between the origins of the sacrospinalis and gluteus maximus muscle.
The damage here is immediate. Nausea and even vomiting will occur with a medium to hard strike. Structural damage will also occur as a purely physical level. On the immediate and long term, fire will rage in the heart causing many ailments at a physical and emotional level.
BL 28: PANGGUANGSHU (Bladder's Hollow)
At the level of the 2nd posterior sacral foramen, 1.5cun lateral to the GV MO, in the depression between the medial border of the posterior superior iliac spine and the sacrum. The point is between the origins of the sacrospinalis and gluteus maximus muscles.
Apart from causing Qi drainage and certain knock out with a hard strike, this point is directly related to the bladder. At a deeper level, this strike will disrupt the body’s mechanism for maintaining homeostasis. The bladder is directly affected and its job of eliminating waste fluids is blocked, along with its function of eliminating perverse energy such as excess heat, damp or cold. This will prolong colds and flu etc.
BL 29: ZHONGLUSHU (Mid Spine Hollow)
At the level of the 3rd posterior sacral foramen, 1.5cun lateral to the GV MO, between the origins of the sacrospinalis and gluteus maximum muscles.
The sacrum is the large flat bone just above the coccyx. It has great physical importance as well as spiritual importance. A strike here straight in will cause the structure of the whole body to be affected adversely. The legs will not work correctly and will cause the recipient of a hard strike to have to sit down in great pain. However, in order to maintain a normally balanced system Qi wise and physical wise, we must have the Qi ‘raising up the back’. This is mentioned in all of the "taijiquan classic sayings". When BL 29 is struck it damages this function and the Qi will not raise up the back, so the recipient will feel very tired and out of energy especially after midday.
BL 30: BAIHUANSHU (White Circle's Hollow)
At the level of the fourth sacral foramen, 1.5cun lateral to the GV MO. In the gluteus maximus muscle and the inferior, medial margin of the sacrotuberous ligament.
The physical damage to the coccyx is obvious with this strike. However, again we have the spiritual damage caused to the whole body as we interrupt the flow of energy up the back. The dislocated or broken coccyx will cause the fight to be over.
BL 31: SHANGLIAO (Upper Hole)
The Points, BL 31 To BL 34 are collectively called BALIAO meaning, "Eight Seams".
In the 1st sacral foramen, roughly midway between the posterior superior iliac spine and the GV MO. In the sacrospinalis and the origin of the gluteus maximus muscle.
This point is closer to the spine than BL 27 so it will cause considerable spine damage with a hard strike. As it is above the sacrum, it will also cause spiritual damage.
BL 32: CILIAO (Second Bone) (Part of BALIAO)
In the 2nd posterior sacral foramen, about mid way between the lower border of the posterior superior iliac spike and the GV MO. In the sacrospinalis and the origin of the gluteus maximus muscle.
This point is an interesting one. It will cause the legs to give way in the immediate term, then the whole body will become weakened through a lack of Qi. It will also cause paralysis of the muscles almost immediately with a hard strike. This point is also one of those that affect the communication with the "shen".
BL 33: ZHONGLIAO (Middle Hole, Part of BALIAO)
In the 3rd posterior sacral foramen, between BL 29 and the GV MO. In the sacrospinalis and the origin of the gluteus maximus muscle.
The physical damage is much the same as for BL 29, however, more spinal damage will occur as it is closer to the spine, especially if the strike is aimed at a slight angle towards the backbone. The lower heater is damaged at a Qi level thus causing the elimination organs to malfunction.
BL 34: XIALIAO (Lower Hole) (part of BALIAO)
In the 4th posterior sacral foramen, between BL 30 and the GV MO. In the sacrospinalis and the origin of the gluteus maximus muscle.
The damage here is the same as for BL 33.
BL 35: HUIYANG (Meeting of Yang)
0.5cun lateral to the Lip of the coccyx.
Obvious coccyx damage which will also cause elimination problems. Knock out caused by the pain and Qi drainage of having the coccyx broken. This point will also affect the "Upper Heavenly Flow" of Qi, so the ‘spiritual side’ of the recipient will be damaged later in life.
BL 36: CHENGFU (Receive Support)
In the middle of the transverse gluteal fold below the buttock. At the inferior margin of the gluteus maximus muscle.
This point has the capacity to send huge amounts of yang energy up and into the head when struck with a smaller weapon, thus causing nausea and can cause a KO is struck hard enough. It is not a point that is often used as it is difficult to get to and requires a great amount of pressure.
BL 37: YINMEN (Door of Abundance)
6cun below BL 36, on the line joining BL 36 to BL 40, in the semitendinous muscle.
There is not too much great damage done here other than local damage to the leg. Some people say that this strike can cause paralysis to the leg, however, I have not experienced this.
BL 38: FUXI (Floating Xi)
1 cun above BL 39, on the medial side of the tendon of biceps femoris. The point is located with the knee slightly flexed.
This point presents considerable damage locally as well as internally. A strike here will cause great knee and leg damage as well as problems with the elimination organs in the form of gastric problems. I have heard of one chap who was kicked right on BL 38 and immediately went to the toilet! Apart from the BL 38 strike, you will probably also strike to KD 10 which will cause even greater problems.
BL 39: WEIYANG (Commanding Yang)
When the patient is prone, this Point can be found 1 cun lateral to BL 40, on the medial border of the tendon of biceps femoris in the popliteal fossa.
This point is closer to the back of the knee and acts up on the bladder causing the recipient to urinate on the spot! It will cause damage to the bladder which will need attention, otherwise it will get worse as the person gets older. Knee damage is obvious. Kidney damage will also occur as a result of four points being struck with this strike. BL 38 and 39, BL 40 and KD 10. Warning! This combination of points can cause death through kidney failure.