Pressure Points - Bladder

BL 61: PUSHEN (Serve and Consult)
Posterior and inferior Lo the external malleus, directly below BL 60, in the depression of the calcaneum at the junction of the red and white skin.
The point is also an energy drainage point and will cause great local pain as well as Qi drainage causing him to sit down.
BL 62: SHENMAI (Extending/Expressing Vessel)
In the depression at the inferior margin of the lateral malleous of the ankle.
All of the foot points are very painful and as such drain Qi, but none so much as this one. This is also one of those bladder points that act upon the ‘shen’ or spirit. So a strike by way of a stomp or kick will affect the way the recipient communicates with his spirit. It will cause tendon and nerve damage. It may even cause mental illness and ‘sleep/wakening’ disorders. This is the ‘master point’ for the extra channel ‘Yang Qiao Mai’ which is the channel that accelerates the yang energy. This channel will be affected adversely causing great anger, red face etc., through too much yang Qi getting to the head. This is what will cause the mental disorders etc.
BL 63: JINMEN (Golden Door)
Anterior and inferior to BL 62, in the depression lateral to the cuboid bone.
This is another xie cleft point (accumulation point). A strike here will cause mental illness, not as great as for BL 62 though. It is not a good point for self defence as it has to be fairly accurate and doesn’t cause that much local pain relatively speaking. It also has an affect upon the ‘wei Qi’ which protects the body from pathogenic attack etc.
BL 64: JINGGU (Capital Bone)
On the lateral side of the dorsum of the foot, below the tuberosity of the 5th metatarsal bone, at the junction of the red and white skin, at the inferior margin of the lateral abductor digiti minimi pedis.
This is a ‘yuan’ or ancestral or source point. It is normally used to calm the shen, but when attacked with negative Qi, will again affect the way the recipient communicates with the spirit. It will cause the recipient to feel quite weak from kidney damage.
BL 65: SHUGU (Restraining Bone)
On the lateral side of the dorsum of the foot, posterior and inferior to the head of the 5thmetatasal bone, at the junction of the red and white skin.
This is a wood and Shu point. A strike here will cause mental confusion, blurred vision, and in the end continuous headaches. The eyes will slowly become worse. Will also have an adverse affect upon the wei Qi.
BL 66: ZUTONGGU (Connecting Valley of the Foot)
In the depression anterior and inferior to the 5th metatarsal phalangeal joint.
This is a water and yong point. (Spring or stream point). It will also cause blurred vision and headaches later. So it is a good set up point.
BL 67: ZHIYIN (End of Yin)
On the lateral side of the little toe, about 0.l cun posterior to the lateral corner of the toenail.
This is a metal and cheng point and the root point of ‘tai yang’ and extra meridian. It will have an adverse affect upon the muscles and tendons in the whole body and causes mind confusion as well as blurred vision. This point, if struck on a pregnant woman will have an adverse affect upon the foetus. It will have an adverse affect upon the kidneys causing weakness in the whole body.
This is the last of the Bladder points. As you can see, the bladder points affect the shen greatly. Be careful with these points as the Bladder points more so than other points can cause long lasting physical, mental and spiritual damage.