OutDated : [FAQ] How do I create a picture gallery / How do I add my pictures

Bob Hubbard

MT Mentor
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Lifetime Supporting Member
MTS Alumni
Aug 4, 2001
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Land of the Free
The ability to have your own photo gallery in the photo gallery is available for supporting members and above.

Here are some quick walk throughs to get you started:

To create your Image Gallery:

Click on "Photo Gallery" (This will take you to the gallery)
Click on the "Create / Order my Albums" button
Click on "New"
In the lower text box, you can change the name.
Click "Apply Modifications" when done to save.
**** You can have more than 1 folder so you can organize your pics.

To Upload Files:

Select the @ option on the tool bar. (No I have no idea why it's labeled this way)
Select "Upload File"
In the options, you can navigate to and select up to 5 files.
*** Note GIF Files are not supported! ***
When done, click "Continue"
It will report how many were successful. Click "Continue"

You will now be able to title, describe and place the file into an album (if you have more than 1)
When done, click "Continue"

I'm trying to add pictures to the gallery and my uploads were unsuccessful. I got an error message stating "Not a GD extension". How do I fix it?

Are the files GIFs? The software doesn't support that format.

Reason is that Unisys (who had the GIF patent) were being royal buttheads a few years back over it's use and wanted everyone to give them cash.

It should handle JPG and PNG though.
Mine are jpegs but it's possible the ones I started to upload first are not. I saved them to my PC from the schools website. I'll check and see if I need to convert them.

Thank You!
Thanks for the help.Got it straightened out and have 3 albums in the photo gallery. :supcool:

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