New to To-Shin Do


Green Belt
Apr 2, 2010
Reaction score
Hi everyone!

I'm new to Martial Talk and to To-Shin Do. I just started taking lessons about a month ago at the Quest Center in Ann Arbor, Michigan. I was wondering if there was anyone here who also trained there.

And, being new to To-Shin Do, I was wondering if any current students had any favorite stories, or things they learned, from the art that they'd like to share.

Thanks all, and I look forward to having some cool conversations about the art!
Thanks for the links! I'll check them out if I haven't already.

I've been trolling the forums here for quite some time, and I like a lot of the conversations. But I know that martial arts are like religions, and it's often difficult (especially over the internet) to have conversations without them turning heated.

For now, I think I'll stick to the To-Shin Do and Judo/Jujutsu forums for posting, as they're what I know. I'll keep on reading the other threads, however. =)
I think you'll find the conversations are pretty calm, and the swords stay in the saya. There's a lot of info to be found there. Chris Parker, for one, is quite a history book.
Yeah, I've learned a lot from reading through those posts. If something interests me, I'll post there, no worries. I just know that in all my years in the martial arts, and studying them from a hobby perspective as well, is that I'm still just left with my opinions, and those are mostly best shared over coffee or beer. =)

And I agree from what I've read of Mr. Parker's posts; he is quite well learned and versed in the martial arts.

Thanks again for the kind words.