Xue Sheng
All weight is underside
1) List? Not sure, yet out Badges show Alumni or current state of Staff position.
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As to diversity:
We have had women before, just that most are not interested, yet if those are interested then please ask to be a mentor.
As to genetics, I am not sure what it is. Per Verbal : Dad's Side North America (North East) back to 1621 - England.
Mom's side Irish and Scottish from early mid 1800's and some Oneida / Seneca Western NY Native American Indian.
No Paperwork - Click White on all boxes as I cannot prove anything so I will not state otherwise officially.
Well don't look at me...I grew up in a military family so I don't volunteer for anything, and by heritage I am mostly German, Scottish and English with a dash of Norwegian and Swedish...so they don't get much more Caucasian that me.... but I'm married to a Chinese woman, from mainland China, so it balances out