Lethwei: A Renewed Fight for Survival

Great article, very well researched I think. I track Burma pretty closely and read articles on the security situation every day.

Have you been to a Burma? It's a beautiful country.
Unfortunately the PDF fighters still lack training, ability and logistics. The shadows NUG government has pivoted to proposing federalism vs democracy, so that the can get buy in from many of the EAG Ethic Armed Groups like the KNLA and KNU, who want to remain autonomous.

All in all, the war is extremely brutal and far, far from over. With no NATO country willing to lift a finger to help with either arms or serious sanctions, there will continue to be an extremely high cost in human life. But for BA Burma Army personnel, rebel fighters, and the multiple of civilian casualties and refugees.

Lethiwe is definitely not making progress internally anytime soon.
Yes, of course, I have been to Myanmar. I trained and documented the martial systems there over a 20-year period and have been through most of the country while living and training in Southeast Asia. I did a documentary series on it (Born Warriors) and I am completing a book (Lethwei: Sport of Warriors). I talk several times a week to my friends there and I will be going back hopefully soon.

The situation was very, very different before the opening of the country. You had to be careful especially since I was going everywhere I wanted to and that resulted in many problems. When the country opened it was quite different now it's reversed back to something far worst than I ever experienced firsthand.
Here is a great article on the current state of Yangon. With the police focused on rounding up CDM and PDF people, they are not able to deal with the rise in crime. Also the police are frequent targets of assassination attempts, so they largely stay in sand bag fortified police stations. I have a friend traveling to Yangon soon.

Ok I've just gotta get this off my chest.

I just don't agree with this Lethwei Vegan stuff at all.

I used to work with a vegan. He died from cancer. So there's that. Being a Vegan isn't a "best thing ever" Personally, my take on diet should follow the design of our teeth.
I used to work with a vegan. He died from cancer. So there's that. Being a Vegan isn't a "best thing ever" Personally, my take on diet should follow the design of our teeth.
I love vegetables.
Out teeth are designed to eat meats and plants so that's what I eat. lol Meats for the protein. Plants to push out the waste lol.
They evolved. Design implies a pre-existing plan.

Like when I take my Centrum Silver every day after making my bed. That's a design. A plan for the future.