Knee of Vengeance


White Belt
Jun 28, 2008
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Hey all,
We learned knee of vengeance tonight. It seems to be a very effective self defense technique. Man, I am so excited every time we have class. Just like a little kid!(my 6 year old is almost as excited as me) I am looking forward to my next class.
"Knee of Vengeance" is that really a tech name :lol: do you have one called "Fist of Fury" :) I love Tracy's kenpo
yup, it's a yellow belt self defense technique/combination. We've got ALL the good names, in Tracy's Kenpo. All the rest of you pretenders, you can just give up on coming up with any cool ones, because they already belong to us! :rofl:
"Knee of Vengeance" is that really a tech name....
David - it really is a technique name and its movements are perserved in some EPAK techniques as well ("gift of destruction" [at least the version of it I learned] for one).
Thanks for the follow up clarifications chaps - they helped bring my quirked eyebrow back down to a more normal level :lol:.
Thanks for the follow up clarifications chaps - they helped bring my quirked eyebrow back down to a more normal level :lol:.

Oh yeah, we gots ALL KINDS of great names for our self defense techs. Stuff like:

clawing panther
leap of death
eagles talons
diving hawk
twisting serpent
dance of the dragon
crossing swords
the lion
the scorpion
grasping talon
shaolin warrior
hidden fist
silk wind
monkey elbow
aiming the spear
striking mace
plucking a bird from the sky

you get the idea..

as well as a few with "questionable" names, like: passing wind...:rofl:

either ya love 'em, or ya hate 'em

We dress ours up in poetic Japanese but some of the meanings are in similar vein e.g.

Raiden - Thunder and Lightning
Iwanami - Breaking Waves
Oikaze - Tail Wind
Yes the Tracy's Technique names rock!! However I also laugh when someone says "let's try passing wind"!
Oh yeah, we gots ALL KINDS of great names for our self defense techs. Stuff like:

clawing panther
leap of death
eagles talons
diving hawk
twisting serpent
dance of the dragon
crossing swords
the lion
the scorpion
grasping talon
shaolin warrior
hidden fist
silk wind
monkey elbow
aiming the spear
striking mace
plucking a bird from the sky

you get the idea..

as well as a few with "questionable" names, like: passing wind...:rofl:

either ya love 'em, or ya hate 'em

Hey mike,as you know i did tracys way back,but there are some tecq's that i like and some that i don't,(no disrespect meant) but "plucking a bird from the sky" can we leave it up there?? LOL,
David - it really is a technique name and its movements are perserved in some EPAK techniques as well ("gift of destruction" [at least the version of it I learned] for one).

"hand shake" that all it is, as we say in ackks there are certain Kenpo "code words" that help to know what is what,tracys kenpo is the same.
i just want to say this,and sometimes i think people forget about it but Jim and Al did come from Parker did they not?? and my problem with tracys is not there kenpo,it is business only,(some of my close friends know what i mean)
so in a nut shell if tracy came from parker, well you do the math,
like the man said "can't we all just sing a song" oh sorry that's get along.:)
"hand shake" that all it is, as we say in ackks there are certain Kenpo "code words" that help to know what is what,tracys kenpo is the same.
i just want to say this,and sometimes i think people forget about it but Jim and Al did come from Parker did they not?? and my problem with tracys is not there kenpo,it is business only,(some of my close friends know what i mean)
so in a nut shell if tracy came from parker, well you do the math,
like the man said "can't we all just sing a song" oh sorry that's get along.:)
I so very much agree with you.

I know David a little, I know he might bump into a EPAK guy in Nebraska (Mr. Brad Marshall) from time to time...for him to get a good idea of "knee of vengence" then Mr. Marshall could share "gift of destruction." As you know one's for a grab and the other is for a handshake, and still they contain essential similar moves.

As you say: The "code" words can be a good help in remembering the techs when teaching/practicing.
i am a epak guy but i like to follow discussions about tracy kenpo and i found a list of names of tracy tech's and the epak technique that is the same or similar to the tracy tech or one of the tracy variations there is close to 90 tech's on the list i believe but it is nice to have so i dont have to always ask uhhh what does that tech look like?... i actually found a few different lists here and there on the web but i think the one i finally printed and put in one of my note books had the most tech's on it.. it is a nice tool to have... every little thing i find that i can use i print and put in these note books i have 2 of them packed to the gills with info i found on the web variations of tech's and extentions from different groups and the like not including my own ikka and akks manuals i even find alot of mr. dennis conaster and mr chapel's post's very helpful and put alot of it in notebooks and put there names with it so i know who to give credit to when i reuse the info to teach someone or compare notes with someone... by the way mr elmer do you have a list of your tech's and what one's they relate to in tracy's/epak just curious to know how your curricilum is set up.... sorry for the long post guys...
The following orange belt techniques were designed solely for ACKKS and teach particular principals of the American Chinese Kenpo Karate System.


Front Right Hand Lapel Grab


Side Headlock (R/L)


Front Two Hand Lapel Grab


Bear Hug From Behind (A-arms free) (B-arms pinned)


Front Right Hand Cross Wrist Grab


From Behind Arm Lock (right side)


Front Right Hand Cross Wrist Grab


Front Overhead Strike w/ Club


Right and Left Shoulder Grab (same time)


Right Arm Push to Left Shoulder

Hope this is ok, i did not think it would be this big, sorry, i have more, if you would like to see it, you can go to

Oh yeah, we gots ALL KINDS of great names for our self defense techs.
either ya love 'em, or ya hate 'em

A few EPAK names to rival those:

Hugging Pendulum
Captured Leaves
Squeezing the Peach (you don't wanna know!)
Cross of Destruction
Defying the Storm
Snapping Twig
Scraping Hoof
Menacing Twirl
Wings of Silk
Gift of Destiny
Dance of Death
Circle of Doom (my favorite)
Courting the Tiger
Destructive Fans
Reprimanding the Bears

EPAK can out-hokey y'all any time!
Reprimanding the Bears

EPAK can out-hokey y'all any time!

This remains my favorite tech name ever. I understand the idea of the tech names as a code to assit in remebering the techs, but this one sounds like something that Goldilocks would do.

I think "Intellectual Departure" takes the cake.

I'm still waiting for "Climbing Out On A Limb" and "Grasping At Straws".

How about "Shoveling Against The Tide"
I'm personally fond of Jumping to a Conclusion and my personal favorite for a follow up to Dance of Death.... Beating a Dead Horse. :bangahead:

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