Katana Magic and Gen(justu)


White Belt
Oct 13, 2023
Reaction score
I am competing on the inside. It's combat with magic and gen(justu). I use a katana. I'm one of the best competitors. I can win against so many people. They lose to me. It's really fun. I train both inside and outside. Maybe I'll see you around.
I am competing on the inside. It's combat with magic and gen(justu). I use a katana. I'm one of the best competitors. I can win against so many people. They lose to me. It's really fun. I train both inside and outside. Maybe I'll see you around.
Are you talking about the thing from naruto?
I am taking about the thing from Naruto. I really think it makes me powerful.
I am competing on the inside. It's combat with magic and gen(justu). I use a katana. I'm one of the best competitors. I can win against so many people. They lose to me. It's really fun. I train both inside and outside. Maybe I'll see you around.
Your sword must have been forged by Odin, Vishnu, and Ra.

If you get that ref, you are a true warrior.
It is an official competition with a ranking. You can try it out if you'd like.
Your sword must have been forged by Odin, Vishnu, and Ra.

If you get that ref, you are a true warrior.
Hearing of Vishnu, a deity worshipped and adored by millions of people, being used in a fantasy game is slightly odd to me. It’s like a fantasy film in which Jesus/Yahweh/Mohammed make weapons for Deadpool!

Just an observation….Please, carry on with the silliness this thread appears to be heading toward!
I think you mean genjutsu, not genjustu.

Nevertheless, we look forward to seeing a link to the real-world competitions ... unless they're underground, and in that case, we've probably broken the first rule of genjutsu.
Hearing of Vishnu, a deity worshipped and adored by millions of people, being used in a fantasy game is slightly odd to me. It’s like a fantasy film in which Jesus/Yahweh/Mohammed make weapons for Deadpool!

Just an observation….Please, carry on with the silliness this thread appears to be heading toward!
It's actually referring to a kids cartoon. At leadt oily is (i think). OP is clearly a powerful samurai warrior, nothing to do with games.
"fantasy film in which Jesus/Yahweh/Mohammed make weapons for Deadpool!"


Oh my...

Gyakuto has never seen Samurai Jack???????

I knew there was something wrong in this timeline. Until he binges SJ, he can never truly understand the power of Rama.
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No credit to me recognizing what you were talking about immediately?
Sure! At least someone did, but man oh man, is Samurai Jack a dark show. Blood, murder, vengeance, demonic possession, hellish futures. Not sure I would even let young kids watch it. It's nightmarish at times.

The final season was on Adult Swim and the ending was honesty one of the most powerful moments in film history. Epic. So powerful I can't even spoil it. Bring tissues.