Job preference...


Black Belt
Oct 31, 2004
Reaction score
Can anyone tell me some examples of good jobs that would give you preference for having a black belt in Ninjutsu???
Satt said:
Can anyone tell me some examples of good jobs that would give you preference for having a black belt in Ninjutsu???
Good question. The first thing that comes to mind is perhaps somewhere in security? Maybe a Shihan in a Quest dojo! :asian:
maybe something in the armed forces. not preference, but a helpful tool if you ever needed to use it.

Any job and or position. Personal acheivements can be self-promotable ; or , just
maintain a pure heart. Allow your actions to be a conviction of your personality with
out,mentioning your new/past skills.
Peers will still appreciate you .

j lee
J. Lee said:
Any job and or position. Personal acheivements can be self-promotable ; or , just
maintain a pure heart. Allow your actions to be a conviction of your personality with
out,mentioning your new/past skills.
Peers will still appreciate you .

j lee
i can agree with that!:D
Depends entirely on the employer... Some might look down on it thinking you were some weirdo that wants to be a ninja.

Chances are the person interviewing you isn't going to be any more then completely clueless when it comes to ninjitsu, apart from some goofy ninja movies maybe. So it might be a toss up, or one you bring up after talking for a bit and have an idea what they might think of it. If you are going to put it on a resume "Black Belt - Martial Arts" might be better, someone who knows MA will ask, someone that doesn't won't assume sneaking around in the bushes wearing black masks and carrying weapons...

Armed forces - Likely won't care, apart from "Are you in good shape?"
If your looking to get into law enforcement you are not going to be able to use all of what you know. Every department and agency has a use of force model that you must know like the back of your hand. The techniques taught in a departments defensive tactics program are meant to overcome the assailants actions and effectuate the arrest. If you use excessive force on a person you leave yourself open to liability and department sanctions. Always be ready to articulate your actions.

Keep training hard though because in a life or death situation you dont rise to the occasion you fall back to your level of training. Have a great day.

Hey why did someone give me a BAD rep point for this question??? You are supposed to give me GOOD ones!!! :whip: LOL.
I would think of it as stating that you can comit to something and that *hopefully* you are physicly active and healthy and gives ya some bragging rights :p
Maybe a training-type job or teacher because it shows that you're still a student. Also works if you happen to be an instructor/sifu/sensei...shows leadership and experience. PE teacher even? Of course, there's always a cop or bouncer. You could become a vigilante crime fighter, too!
Xequat said:
Maybe a training-type job or teacher because it shows that you're still a student. Also works if you happen to be an instructor/sifu/sensei...shows leadership and experience. PE teacher even? Of course, there's always a cop or bouncer. You could become a vigilante crime fighter, too!
You mean like Charles Bronson in Death Wish 1 through 85?

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