Was doing a Google search and... well, you know, Google brings me here, so I'm glad to be here.
For whatever reason youtube recommended a video of historical rapier fencing. Those videos pick my curiosity and I was watching the videos mostly in spanish and they were fencing in a style that is call "vedadera destreza". But then I get another video of a fencing match between the spanish rapier fencing style vs the italian rapier fencing style and that really got my attention. So I was wondering what about French, Holy Roman Empire, English, rapier fencing styles etc. I have searched and searched but sadly I havn't been able to find any other videos but for Spanish and Italian styles. So my questions are; Are there other styles? If so can you please provide the links for videos of those other rapier fencing styles of other countries?
Was doing a Google search and... well, you know, Google brings me here, so I'm glad to be here.
For whatever reason youtube recommended a video of historical rapier fencing. Those videos pick my curiosity and I was watching the videos mostly in spanish and they were fencing in a style that is call "vedadera destreza". But then I get another video of a fencing match between the spanish rapier fencing style vs the italian rapier fencing style and that really got my attention. So I was wondering what about French, Holy Roman Empire, English, rapier fencing styles etc. I have searched and searched but sadly I havn't been able to find any other videos but for Spanish and Italian styles. So my questions are; Are there other styles? If so can you please provide the links for videos of those other rapier fencing styles of other countries?