Honk if you like MT!!


Columbia Martial Arts Academy
MT Mentor
Lifetime Supporting Member
MTS Alumni
May 27, 2004
Reaction score
Not BC, Not DC
I want to tell you folks that I think MartialTalk is the friendliest, most cohesive internet Martial Arts discussion board and I am proud to boast my membership here because of its members.

The vision of the founder is to have a place where we can respectfully exchange ideas, argue fine points in a mature fashion and have some fun without too many politics muddying the waters.

The arcade is fun, the Supporting Member areas are a riot, and if you haven't had a chance to have a free trial membership, sign up here to apply!

That's right! I'm asking you to support MartialTalk and keep us the BEST MartialArts discussion forum on the web!
I agree. MT is a great resource and one of the few truly friendly Martial Art's forums on the net. I know that the $15.00 I spent to become a Supporting Member was a great investment.

BTW, Supporting Members can post pictures in their posts and have their own gallery of pictures, as well. Here's mine:

Hello, I am having a hard time quiting this site...addicted...help...please
Having too much fun!

My horn does not work...is it ok to KI?

To All: Thank-you for sharing your comments and thoughts...learning is a never ending process.

MT...your the greatest!!! .......Mahalo and Aloha
I'm a tad worried that this latest posting campaign may be chasing off potential new members.

If it's turning you off, then read this, and remember, I'm not a moderator.

Even though I may not make much use of the supporting-member-only features here, and even though I may not come to this website for weeks at a time, I still enjoy coming to this board whenever I get the chance for the community.

This site is full of people who not only love martial arts, but who also love to teach, to learn, to laugh, make others laugh, and even have a heated intellectual discussion or two. I pay 15 bucks a year to support this place because I want to make sure that's always here for me to come to.

If you're not sure about whether you want to spend much time getting to know Martial Talk, much less paying for it, then take my advice. Don't sign up for a trial membership- at least, not yet. Just spend some time getting to know the site, and the people posting here (you don't even have to post anything yourself).

Make sure you check out the Locker Room, and the Comedy Cafe. Maybe give the Study a lookover. Have you browsed through any forums for martial arts that have always interested you, but have never tried?

If this is a place you think you'll keep coming back to, maybe it's worth a few dollars to keep it running?
Honk honk ...id love to be a suporting memebr and its only like 15 bucks right? ...i may have to think about this one
BrandiJo said:
Honk honk ...id love to be a suporting memebr and its only like 15 bucks right? ...i may have to think about this one

Right! $15 gets you one whole year of supporting membership features!
Honk honk... This place is a great resource and only costs you the equivalent of 3 starbucks coffee's... So save yourself the calories and smug, become a supporting member.
meep! meep!

As a Senior Mod that was a Mod that was a Mentor that was a Supporting Member that was a Free Member, I can tell you, I've been all over this forum. As a free member, my questions were treated with dignity and respect (well, except by Gene) and given the attention that a much deeper post might've deserved. I have learned vast amounts regarding my art and have, coincidentally, made lasting friendships, as well.

There is no place online, that I have encountered, that provides the respect and compassion to a n00b in the arts like this place does. I admit, this is a 'glowing testimonial'; however, it is also accurate and true beyond my experience.

To any of you who are not supporting members, consider the relative values of $15.00. At base wage, in my state, it is less that 3 hours work. 3 hours is .034% of a year for a years worth of benefits.

Be well!

By far the best site anywhere! It is the level of maturity. The topics of discussion. The atmosphere.

My question is, why isn't everyone a supporting member? Come on people. Give a little and enable Bob to make this place even better!
If I could build a town, and populate it with the membership of Martial Talk, I would. I would make pants illegal, though. I guess we'd need to be in a warmer climate.....
Flatlander said:
If I could build a town, and populate it with the membership of Martial Talk, I would. I would make pants illegal, though. I guess we'd need to be in a warmer climate.....

yeah! pants suck!
Don't tell David Letterman that.

So, Danny Boy ... got a closet full of kilts yer dyin' ter wear??
You folks who love MartialTalk and are honking ... please consider supporting MT with a membership! It's only $15 per year and well worth it!