Favorite Bouncer Escort to Door Techs

I don't have to worry about losing my job. My uncle owns the bar and if he fired me my mom would never let him hear the end of it.

As for 'borderline illegal methods,' haven't you ever heard of the bouncer's code?
is it like the Pirate code?
Everybody who bounces should watch the roadhouse"be nice" clip.

(which I would link but it has swearing in it)

Whether or not you should bust peoples heads in as a bouncer can be a bit iffy. It depends where you work and what situation you are in.

If the venue is set up right and you have the numbers and the right guys and police and management support then I would say almost never.

But you don't always get a good set up. And often it is a failed system that calls for the hit first don't even ask the questions style bouncing.
It would appear many of you disagree with my methods. For those in the business you know where I'm coming from, for those that aren't allow me to explain.

When you step into that bar you've entered a warzone, a gladiatorial arena if you will. And, if you're not willing to knock some guy through a wall you've got no business in this business.

Sure, you may bust up some guys who don't deserve it now and again (the price for being an alpha male), but in this line of work it's punch now and question later. Anarchy and chaos would engulf the bar otherwise.

Any bar that bad would loose their license to serve liquor in my State.

is it like the Pirate code?
No, the Bouncer's Code. The unwritten rules that give bouncers carte blanche to maintain order however they see fit. And any man who gets his butt whooped by a bouncer and calls the cops, is a snitch punk who shall be banned from the bar forever.
No, the Bouncer's Code. The unwritten rules that give bouncers carte blanche to maintain order however they see fit. And any man who gets his butt whooped by a bouncer and calls the cops, is a snitch punk who shall be banned from the bar forever.
I love this little guy hes so amusing.....crap I hope he doesn't tell his mommy on me she sounds tough

Good to see you :)

No, the Bouncer's Code. The unwritten rules that give bouncers carte blanche to maintain order however they see fit. And any man who gets his butt whooped by a bouncer and calls the cops, is a snitch punk who shall be banned from the bar forever.

Which died like twenty years ago, or is that ten, don't remember but the point remains the same. The unwritten rules become written. That we why we have to be badged up. To keep those badges, one has to be sensible. The big willy ******** stays in the pants, that is why a doorman is a professional guided by strict behaviour. Does not mean we have to be nice, but pound some moron with a flurry of punches, that would mean prison on serious assault charges. The bouncers code is just another approach now IMHO.
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And of course it is like a verbal contract. It isn't worth the paper it is not written on.
In Australia you are not allowed to use headlocks or chokes or anything else that may lead to asphyxia. Too many deaths have occurred from people not knowing when to let go. Reasonable force, as someone else stated you have to picture what it's going to look like on CCTV or from a witness of the general public if it goes to court.
Fun bear hug tweak.
Arm drag or duck under to take the back. Bear hug with an arm trapped. Grab their wrist with one hand and their bicep in the other. Then use their arm as like a solid bar to drag them out backwards.

The arm control negates almost every bear hug defence.

Chin in their spine if you want to just hurt them. Osotogari backwards to put them nicely on the deck. Or you can ride them nastily on yo their face.