Event Security Question


Yellow Belt
Nov 2, 2022
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Hey everyone,

I'm organizing an upcoming event and wanted to get some input on event security. We're expecting a large crowd, so ensuring the safety of attendees is our top priority.

I'd love to hear from those of you who have experience with event security measures.

What are some effective strategies or best practices you've implemented in the past to ensure a safe and secure event environment? Are there any specific challenges you've encountered, and how did you address them?

Any insights or recommendations would be greatly appreciated as we work to plan a successful and secure event.
Hey everyone,

I'm organizing an upcoming event and wanted to get some input on event security. We're expecting a large crowd, so ensuring the safety of attendees is our top priority.

I'd love to hear from those of you who have experience with event security measures.

What are some effective strategies or best practices you've implemented in the past to ensure a safe and secure event environment? Are there any specific challenges you've encountered, and how did you address them?

Any insights or recommendations would be greatly appreciated on Event Security New York as we work to plan a successful and secure event.
Thanks in advance for your help!
Hey everyone,

I'm organizing an upcoming event and wanted to get some input on event security. We're expecting a large crowd, so ensuring the safety of attendees is our top priority.

I'd love to hear from those of you who have experience with event security measures.

What are some effective strategies or best practices you've implemented in the past to ensure a safe and secure event environment? Are there any specific challenges you've encountered, and how did you address them?

Any insights or recommendations would be greatly appreciated as we work to plan a successful and secure event.
You haven't provided nearly the details necessary for anyone to advise you -- and, honestly, I'd encourage you to reach out to professionals in your area. Even if you don't hire security staff, a consultation is a very good investment in safety.

Very broadly speaking -- consider how people will get in, and how they will get out -- especially in an emergency or evacuation. Will you need to search them or secure weapons (or weapon like objects like for a science fiction convention)? What are the potential threats or special areas of concern? Things like special guests, dealer's rooms, or other valuables... Do you have concerns about youth protection? There's just so many details, and many depend on what the event is, how big a "large crowd" is -- one hundred is vastly different than one hundred thousand. That's why I strongly urge you to consult professionals.
To add to what jks said, even where you live is important. I could run an event in small-town, Missouri, but if you're running it in the heart of tokyo japan, the exact same workshop with the same size crowd and everything but the location being the same, and the security needs and how to get them will be different. So look for an event planner in your area and talk with them about it.
you should be looking at a professional security company with Xlint knowledge of state & local requirements. Security liability should not be taken lightly.

In 1969 I went to a music festival with the Hells Angels as security. Different times for sure…
Hey everyone,

I'm organizing an upcoming event and wanted to get some input on event security. We're expecting a large crowd, so ensuring the safety of attendees is our top priority.

I'd love to hear from those of you who have experience with event security measures.

What are some effective strategies or best practices you've implemented in the past to ensure a safe and secure event environment? Are there any specific challenges you've encountered, and how did you address them?

Any insights or recommendations would be greatly appreciated as we work to plan a successful and secure event.

As stated by others, are there restricted access points?
Or is this a field or open town square?

Do you have access to metal detectors ?
Is Alcohol involved?

Do you have event insurance?
Are your security staff 1099 contractors or are they cash under the table.

Who is your target audience?
Who are you trying to keep out?
I mean if it is a bunch of little kids that can be done with simple snow fence, if it is teenagers then you need clear lines of sight and clear access points and so on.
Details matter.