Displaying So. Korean flag vertically


El Conquistador nim!
MT Mentor
MTS Alumni
Nov 7, 2005
Reaction score
Los Angeles, CA
I've seen the South Korean flag displayed vertically in many dojangs displayed in just about every possible way. Can someone please tell us the correct way to hang it vertically (with a photo).

IcemanSK said:
I've seen the South Korean flag displayed vertically in many dojangs displayed in just about every possible way. Can someone please tell us the correct way to hang it vertically (with a photo).


A good general rule to display flags vertically is to put the top left corner in the top left corner. That would be "yang" on the left, and "heaven" (乾 Qián-don't know it in Korean) trigram (three solid bars) in the top-left corner.

Couldn't find a picture, sorry-and it maybe that the South Koreans have a different rule......
A good general rule to display flags vertically is to put the top left corner in the top left corner. That would be "yang" on the left, and "heaven" (乾 Qián-don't know it in Korean) trigram (three solid bars) in the top-left corner.

Couldn't find a picture, sorry-and it maybe that the South Koreans have a different rule......

Why not hang it horizontally?
I've seen the South Korean flag displayed vertically in many dojangs displayed in just about every possible way. Can someone please tell us the correct way to hang it vertically (with a photo).


Blue on the left hand side as you look at it.

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