Can knife fights be won by simply overpowering an opponent? Can disarms be done with brute strength?

if you kbow he has a knife and you have room to move, alowing that you have basic fightibg skill of speed, reactions and mobility, you have a fairly good chance

Basic fighting skill would only suffice if the knife wielder is very incompetent. A bad guy carrying one probably has at least a little competence. Knives are dangerous for the reason below:

if he cant punch you, he probebly cant stab you either

Unlike a punch, a knife stab or slash needs little power to be effective. Even using proper body mechanics, a good puncher needs a half foot to a foot distance to generate dangerous power. And that's being generous. A knife just needs - none. It just needs to make contact. Then, a flick of the wrist is capable of inflicting damage. Anyone who underestimates the danger of a knife will end up losing blood or their life.
Basic fighting skill would only suffice if the knife wielder is very incompetent. A bad guy carrying one probably has at least a little competence. Knives are dangerous for the reason below:

What makes you think carrying a knife implies competence? I see people attacked with various weapons all the time. If this competence existed, I wouldn't see them. Because they would be dead.
The very fact that you're fighting with them implies that they do NOT have any competence with a blade. Because if they did, the blade would be deep inside you before you ever saw it.

Unlike a punch, a knife stab or slash needs little power to be effective. Even using proper body mechanics, a good puncher needs a half foot to a foot distance to generate dangerous power. And that's being generous. A knife just needs - none. It just needs to make contact. Then, a flick of the wrist is capable of inflicting damage. Anyone who underestimates the danger of a knife will end up losing blood or their life.

Slashing is messy, but far less dangerous than people think. If you're stabbed pretty much anywhere on the torso, there's a really good chance we're going to be opening you up. Slash the same area, and there's a really good chance you'll get some sutures and be released. Inflicting more than superficial damage with "a flick of the wrist" requires an incredibly sharp blade (I do look at blades we take off people, and I can't recall the last time I found one to be really sharp). A really sharp blade will cut deeper, but that wrist flick isn't going to open a very long wound. Unlikely to be debilitating. Very unlikely to be fatal.
What makes you think carrying a knife implies competence? I see people attacked with various weapons all the time. If this competence existed, I wouldn't see them. Because they would be dead.
The very fact that you're fighting with them implies that they do NOT have any competence with a blade. Because if they did, the blade would be deep inside you before you ever saw it.

Slashing is messy, but far less dangerous than people think. If you're stabbed pretty much anywhere on the torso, there's a really good chance we're going to be opening you up. Slash the same area, and there's a really good chance you'll get some sutures and be released. Inflicting more than superficial damage with "a flick of the wrist" requires an incredibly sharp blade (I do look at blades we take off people, and I can't recall the last time I found one to be really sharp). A really sharp blade will cut deeper, but that wrist flick isn't going to open a very long wound. Unlikely to be debilitating. Very unlikely to be fatal.
Fully agree with your stabbing assertion. That said there is definitely an art to slashing that the average Joe does not know.
Watch how the wrist rotates through the slice of the paper: WHAT IS SCARY SHARP?? How sharp can you get a knife freehand sharpening?...Pretty sharp! - YouTube
A skilled slasher with a good blade can make a full depth cut with a slash making a much bigger opening. You should always have more control of the blade with a slash. If things go wrong with a stab they usually go very wrong. The mechanics of a stab usually mean you are fully committed with stance/weight.
All that said if it gets to the point where my only choice is to pull my blade I intend to do harm. But I almost always open carry so things have really went sideways if I have to pull out my knife.
If it's a knife fight, then both people have a knife. There are three possible outcomes -

He get slashed/stabbed, you don't. You get slashed/stabbed, he doesn't. You both get slashed/stabbed.

There's a two out of three chance you'll both be slashed/stabbed.

As a knife fighter, I care little about getting overpowered. To do that, he has to be close enough, his misfortune.

As far as disarms, I have absolutely no idea how to disarm a man with a knife if I am unarmed. I know how a lot of arts teach these things, but they're tactically unsound, some even foolish.

If I have a knife that's already in my hand, it's easier, but it's not a planned action, it's one of opportunity. And as DD said "the blade would be deep inside you before you ever saw it."

Knives are nasty.
Saving Private Ryan's infamous knife fight scene has a German soldier win the clinch fight simply because he overpowers the Ranger guy and with terrifying bloodthirsty patience he simply waits for the knife to slowly push through until it enters through the Ranger's chest. And I must add the Ranger actually even brutally bites the German soldier so hard during the clinch blood splatters from his hand but he still ultimately manages to put the knife through with his horrifying endurance and strength.

However a fact about this scene that everyone forgets is.......... The whole reason the German soldier was able to stab the Ranger in the first place was because it was the Ranger who pulled out the knife and tried to stab the German. During the groundfight the German while atop him was so strong he manages to let go of one of his hands in the clinch and quickly use it to disarm the knife hand of the Ranger (which the Nazi was holding rather easily like a strong man with his left hand). Basically he was like a strongman who can make you tap out simply by squeezing your arm. Not lying watch the scene on Youtube. The Ranger's knife hand was literally stuck frozen and Nazi guy was also overpowering his empty arm so much that he didn't need to retaliate when he let go of his right hand to literally snatch the knife away from the Ranger's other hand like stealing baby from a candy.

I am curious in real life knife fights can be decided this way with imply having more endurance and strength and by sheer overpowering?
Yes, if you are strong enough, even launching a guy to the moon is possible XD
I personally think that it is possible for you to win in knife fights by simply overpowering an opponent. However, you need to make sure that you can definitely defeat your opponent because it might cause you to lose some of the things that you already unlocked or have your experience points decreased. So, yes you can definitely win in knife fights. Just make sure that you are strong enough to defeat your opponent. Gather all of the equipment you need and make sure that you have strong equipment! Well, I will defitnely wish you good luck and have a fun time.

I'm old and don't play video games, but even I got this. Nice sarcasm, Mr. Not Ramsey!

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