Bryce Dallas' Ninjutsu org imploded?


Senior Master
Feb 24, 2009
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If this is to be believed, his entire black belt membership and a good deal of others walked out on him, following the court cases which allegedly brought a lot of dirt to light. The publishing of his yearbook photos in particular allegedly seems to have convinced many of his following that his teen period was probably spent in high school and not with a secret ninja master in Japan. The alleged abusive behavior probably did him no good either, if true.

I checked his website and it seems that the previously featured black belt 'masters' (which I seem to remember having looked at) list has been pulled, which may have been done to hide the alleged fact that his BBs said sayonara.

@Bob: did I use enough 'seems's 'may's 'if's and 'allegedly's?
I even put a question mark in the title for you.
The very first sentence of your sig line is ironic, given the nature of your post. ;) Not a dig - just sayin'.

Now I'm off to read that linked article!
That is actually a very good remark.

Before I joined Genbukan, I spent a lot of time doing research to make sure that the sensei, dojo and organization were legit. You are right that you shouldn't believe just anything from anybody. That statement in my sig is too broad.

It should come with a number of qualifiers like 'Once having established the legitimacy of the art, the dojo and the sensei, ... just trust etc'
True, but disclaimers, fine print, and italicized explanations just aren't very fun.

I couldn't agree more. Trust, but verify.
I decided to just throw out the first part of that line and only save the important part.
All in due time. Its amazing how shall I say it, less than reliable folks, always seem to get recognized for what they really are. Whats even more of a shame, is the poor people that actually feel for the BS that this guy was slinging. Then again, this is why I always tell people that they need to do their homework, before they invest their hard earned cash and time.
It also never ceases to amaze me that people voluntarily stay in a situation where they and / or their loved ones are abused and just let it happen. :(