Wing Woo Gar
Senior Master
I have no doubt you know more than most including me. I would not claim to be anything near to Bruce lee or you for that matter. I am critical of the set up however. You are correct about the penetrating force in my opinion. My Sifu could “stack” people and then strike the one in front but move the one in back. Kinda like the 5 metal balls suspended in a row where the middle 3 don’t move but the ones on the ends swing and trade impact.You have to understand I am looking at Bruce's Lee's punch from a perspective of someone who has been hit by some of the greatest punchers in history. Believe me I know punching power lol I have also coached a lot of fighters both pros and Amateurs. I have of course seen countless demonstrations of the one-inch punch. I have also seen and felt the punches of people who claim to have amazing power many it turned out were more hype than anything. In the end you gain an insight into punching power. Bruce is showing a very unique ability to use his body and have penetration. I see a lot of people doing these demonstrations in a pushing manner. He is truly penetrating his target and using his body in a very special way. It is actually one of the hardest motions to teach beginners and pros!