modern arnis

  1. Datu Tim Hartman

    Reflecting on Remy Presas: More Than Just an Instructor

    Reflecting on Remy Presas: More Than Just an Instructor It’s been three years since I began hosting the FMA Talk podcast. Throughout this time, I’ve delved into many topics, including discussions about the late Remy Presas and the kind of instructor he was. However, on this 22nd anniversary of...
  2. M

    Teachings on the drills, concepts, principles of Modern Arnis how were they passed down?

    Here is a serious question and it might seem a little odd, I mean no disrespect here at all. To all of the first generation students of the Professor's how was instruction on the drills, the principles, the concepts of the art (Modern Arnis) passed down or transferred to you? Was it oral? As...
  3. M

    Over the past 15-20+ years has your focus on teaching Modern Arnis changed?

    As I mentioned in the Tapi thread; my view points, maybe my understanding of drills, etc. etc. has changed over the years. As I read over some of the previous threads on the subject in 2002-2006 time frame here on MT, people were discussing that the Professor stressed 3 things; The Flow...
  4. M

    Tapi Tapi 20 years later (Have you changed the way you teach it?)

    Hello Gentlemen Lately I've been reexamining what I teach and how I teach etc. etc. in my Modern Arnis classes. We've been working with another Modern Arnis school, so both of our students get to work with others, and a couple of months ago, or maybe it it was last month (actually it was both...
  5. H

    Review of Modern Arnis: the MasterText

    The review of the titled book above was written by Dr. Jerome Barber, about a month ago on the Amazon website at, < Modern Arnis - The Master Text Companion Volumes Set 1,2 and 3 eBook: Robert DeMott: Kindle Store and is listed under the "Master Text Companion". This review is not...