Blog entries by Wing Chun Parma

Original Yip Man Wing Chun in Parma and other cities in Italy. We provide bespoke training in safe and friendly environment. Trips to China, Hong Kong and the UK to train with top Wing Chun Masters.
One week seminar with Sifu Yan Choi in Parma, Italy, from the 20th to the 27th of March. What are the qualities of a good wing chun (or other martial arts) teacher? How do I recognise he or she is a genuine teacher? In this interview, Grandmaster Choi explains what to look for when searching a Wing Chun teacher.
www.wingchunparma.wordpress. com Sifu Choi, head teacher of Wing Chun Parma, demonstrating and explaining Wing Chun
Two top Hong Kong masters training in Parma Hin Wah Ving Tsun International Organisation