Storys Of people pincking on Martial Arts People


3rd Black Belt
The other Day I was talking to a few people one kinda friend and his hot girlfriend. I said sorry guys I would like to stay and talk some more but I will be late for Karate. Then He said Karate? LOL what big baby can't fight? I walked away and smiled.
But I am sure there are lots of storys out there that people said about you for being in Martial Arts. So Lets Share the stories.

Adam :asian:
Originally posted by TallAdam85
The other Day I was talking to a few people one kinda friend and his hot girlfriend. I said sorry guys I would like to stay and talk some more but I will be late for Karate. Then He said Karate? LOL what big baby can't fight? I walked away and smiled.
But I am sure there are lots of storys out there that people said about you for being in Martial Arts. So Lets Share the stories.

Adam :asian:

lol, ya, that guys a moron......everyone know karate cant teach you how to fight!;)

lol, when people find out i take martial arts they mostly just start thinking i can kick there *** for some reason......its always "oh ya? i guess you can kick my *** then eh." i say, "well its not that simple....but ya." :D of course im being sarcastic when i say it.....

oh ya, and for all you guys who's panties are in a bunch over that karate was just a joke.;)
It used to be that, when I would tell people that I was in the martial arts, they would say the same thing: "Really? Show me something!" Yes, they were interested, but there was always this undercurrent of expectation, like I was a dancing bear or something. Used to happen when I would tell people that I spoke another language other than English: "Really? Say something in <name language here>".

Now, however, I have seen a change. I'm not sure when it happened, but the reaction I get more now is: "Really? That's pretty cool!" , or "Really? I didn't know you were into martial arts!".

Maybe it's that I've gotten older and hang around more mature people now, I don't know. But it has been *years* since someone gave me the funky attitude.

Seen it lots in the past, though...;)

Originally posted by tonbo
It used to be that, when I would tell people that I was in the martial arts, they would say the same thing: "Really? Show me something!" Yes, they were interested, but there was always this undercurrent of expectation, like I was a dancing bear or something. Used to happen when I would tell people that I spoke another language other than English: "Really? Say something in <name language here>".

Now, however, I have seen a change. I'm not sure when it happened, but the reaction I get more now is: "Really? That's pretty cool!" , or "Really? I didn't know you were into martial arts!".

Maybe it's that I've gotten older and hang around more mature people now, I don't know. But it has been *years* since someone gave me the funky attitude.

Seen it lots in the past, though...;)

Exactly the same with me.

Another reaction that I've gotten was "That **** dun work!".
Most of the people around me think that M.A. training is for that
mystical ability that you see in the movies. I don't set them
straight, there's too many myths to cover. I'll only say something
if they specify one issue. One friend of mine KNEW that Bruce Lee
had the ability to somehow take his ... *ahem* "groin package"
and bring it inside his body, for protection when he fought :shrug:

Mostly, my friends that have no hobbies and do nothing outside
of work are the ones that "make fun". A couple call it "Pimpo"
(kenpo), to downplay it. They don't like the fact that I've turned
down dinner invites to go to class. "Pimpo" has turned into a
now completely theoretical "art" ... the art of pimping LOL. Most
of the time it's all pretty funny. Sometimes it's annoying.
Everyone at work knows about my martial arts 'affliction' :D, but nobody ever asks to show them something or says something dumb like 'can you kick my ***?'. For the most part, they're all very adult about it.

Originally posted by tonbo
It used to be that, when I would tell people that I was in the martial arts, they would say the same thing: "Really? Show me something!" Yes, they were interested, but there was always this undercurrent of expectation, like I was a dancing bear or something. Used to happen when I would tell people that I spoke another language other than English: "Really? Say something in <name language here>".

Now, however, I have seen a change. I'm not sure when it happened, but the reaction I get more now is: "Really? That's pretty cool!" , or "Really? I didn't know you were into martial arts!".

Maybe it's that I've gotten older and hang around more mature people now, I don't know. But it has been *years* since someone gave me the funky attitude.

Seen it lots in the past, though...;)


Same here, but like most people, their interest in me fades quickly, thank goodness.:asian:
On lad twice my size (both height and width) is convinced I could do some pressure point that'll kill him for some strange reason and acts dead nervous and edgy around me.:confused: :shrug:
But the most likely reaction with me is the Karate Kid stance (Crane (though I thought that was a chinese stance?)) followed by a Bruce Lee sound and "Bet you can't block this...":shrug:
I remember a story about one of our Seniors being sarcastically asked at a bar when it was found out he was a black belt "So you could take me out with one finger, huh?". He took his index finger and pressed against his philtrum (there is a nerve directly below the nose) and pushed him off his bar stool. Of course he could back up the joke, I wouldn't try that!
I usually avoid telling anyone I study MA because there is always SOME reaction or expectation, and it's personal to me.
I usually avoid telling anyone I study MA because there is always SOME reaction or expectation, and it's personal to me.

I usually avoid it as well, and I refuse to wear t-shirts, jackets, patches, etc. that denote martial allegiance. I have found that that generally attracts the wrong type of attention......*plus*, I think that it is not so cool to advertise to potential ill-wishers. Better to keep 'em guessing...;)

However, sometimes the topic comes up, and I am up front with my answer. I don't advertise my rank, but if asked, I will verify it.

I am proud to be a martial artist, proud of my school, proud of my rank, and proud of my fellow classmates. However, braggin' don't do anyone any good...;)

Everyone at work knows about my martial arts 'affliction' ,

That's the way I see it too... an affliction although my wife calls it my addiction. The quickest way to turn some one who is not truly interested in the MA off of a conversation is to begin to talk about the spiritual side of the art. That generally gets the message across that you aren't gonna be aggresive enough to give them a "show" and gives those that are interested the opportunity to delve a little deeper into an art.
because of my size (6ft 230pounds) they automatically think i can fight good.... isnt it strange why people are automactically scared of bigger people....

i think usually people will make fun of your arts if you say stuff like e.g TKD.. these arts have been know to recrute KIDS for training classes and are not know for there combat efficiency...

ALSO UNLESS YOU REALLY STUDY THE MARTIAL ARTS FOR A WHILE e.g 10 years or more theres n real need for anyone to know about it even if you have been studying for close to 20years theres no need for people to know that you study the martial arts...


i take martial arts as a hobby and for self defense and exercise (it's more of an obsession though) but i have found people whom here of my training generally think that they must prove to all thier "friends" and the babes around that they can best a martial artist, so unfortunately i find myself constantly bothered and in scraps with the average "tough guy" more often than when i had no training at all.
(proves their ignorance because now i can kick their asses worse than when i had no trainning)
so then i get a reputation of being a
"big fighter"
you all know the type and then i find myself in more unwanted fights but i guess that's a price you pay and i am more willing to to continue in my martial prowess
Originally posted by andurilking2
i take martial arts as a hobby and for self defense and exercise (it's more of an obsession though) but i have found people whom here of my training generally think that they must prove to all thier "friends" and the babes around that they can best a martial artist, so unfortunately i find myself constantly bothered and in scraps with the average "tough guy" more often than when i had no training at all.
(proves their ignorance because now i can kick their asses worse than when i had no trainning)
so then i get a reputation of being a
"big fighter"
you all know the type and then i find myself in more unwanted fights but i guess that's a price you pay and i am more willing to to continue in my martial prowess

If all the fighting bothers you, then maybe you should stop telling people you practice martial arts. If everyone where you hang out knows it and thinks you are trying to be a tough guy, then maybe you should start hanging out somewhere else.
A comparison would be advertising everyone that you carry. Great idea, if a criminal knows you carry, two things could happen. One is he would flee. The other is he would shoot you in the back.

I dunno about you, but I would rather risk getting attacked and having to draw a handgun rather than even a slight chance of being shot in the back.
I've studied the arts for a few years. I usually want to keep my martial arts a secret. Keep it quiet, ya know? The onlypeople who know I study the arts are my close friends and my parents. I've been made fun of before, though. It was real negative.
My brother and even my dad would put it down and call it "ineffective",
" wouldn't work in a real fight",
etc. I could go on and on.
I could care less of what they think.
It's their ignorance and studidity.
I went to a small private school and when one person found out, mostly everyone knew. They teased me for it, but never confronted me. They were all lip and stuck up. Besides, I knew I could take them out. But then again, what would that prove?
I'm not going to lower myself down to their level. They're insects as far as I'm concerned.
I don't tell anyone I do Martial Arts! I don't even list it on my CV in the hobbies and interests! For one thing I don't want to be used as someones bodyguard and I hate being a performing seal for people! This was the case at school when people wanted to see my moves and wanting me to do the splits! If I'm out on a date I will casually mention it if it comes up! And some people will say " Oh I better not make you angry then" or " I bet you can handle yourself".
And you do the get the odd idiot who makes those silly whailing noises and gestures with their hands! So I try to keep it a secret! I would rather people found out through physical experience then verbal! ( if absolutely necessary!)
There are those people who don't exactly help themselves by announcing that they are a black belt in some Martial art and say they can hurt you really bad!
takadadojokeith said:

Man, I feel sorry for the guy who wrote that article, sounds like he's gone through way crueler stuff than I have. In the past of course I have had to deal with the typical people. Somehow, in a technical college class that I was enrolled in, someone saw me in a video demonstrating some club work. So they all started in, with that 'kung-fu crap' as they called it. They kept wanting to fight me, and this was when I was still in high school, ridiculous. Most recently my best friend in high school was working with me when I came back for break at the bookstore I work at. And he was like, "I'll bet I could take you." He was dead serious, and it came out of no-where. I mean, a really good friend of mine said that. It really annoyed me, I just responded with 'That's nice,' and kept doing my work. I didn't mean it to come off condescending, but I'll bet it did, I was just so flabbergasted by what he said I didn't have time to process it. And I'm not saying this guy couldn't beat me up, but I've been training for a long time, and he doesn't do anything like that. But you know what, that's why we have to be above these people. How many of you would really use your martial arts against these people. And I'm not talking about the sparring type fights. I mean your most hard-core self defense maneuvers. Would you? I don't think I coudl for someone just because they were being a jerk, not only the legal battles that could become involved, but I just couldn't live with myself. My stuff is only for serious situations, not people taunting me. In fact, when they do taunt me, even if it is someone like my friend, it gives me a chance to become better at patience and dealing with that. So in a way, they are helping me advance as a practitioner of the arts. So I suppose I should be grateful. Sorry, didn't mean to start getting off on that tangent.

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