Senior Master
When asked about the 9-11 Commission's debunking of the Iraq-Al Qaeda connection, President Bush had this to say as to why the U.S. invaded Iraq:
``Saddam Hussein was a threat. He was a threat because he had used weapons of mass destruction against his own people. He was a threat because he was a sworn enemy of the United States of America, just like al- Qaeda. He was a threat because he had terrorist connections.''
``The world is better off and America is more secure without Saddam Hussein in power."
1. Saddam alleged use of WMD's on his own people took place during the Reagan administration. No invasion of Iraq took place at that time.
2. Saddam's WMD program was developed with the help of the U.S., Italy, and Great Britain. Even hawkis conservative William Safire condemned this in a Dec. 7, 1992 article in the NYT. The President when these weapons were being developed? Ronald Reagan.
3. Iran was described as a terrorist state by Ronald Reagan in a speech in 1985. Shortly after that speech he started selling arms to them illegally, in violation of the Congressional Boland amendment (which he signed) and UN sanctions.
4. Iran, like North Korea, was a sworn enemy of the United States at that time.
So...in analyzing this, we find Ronald Reagan provided the gas that gassed the Kurds. He had terrorist connections and dealt with the government that was responsible for the murder of 241 American Marines. He sold arms to this terrorist government in secret.
Reagan was a threat. We should have invaded the White House in 1990.
``Saddam Hussein was a threat. He was a threat because he had used weapons of mass destruction against his own people. He was a threat because he was a sworn enemy of the United States of America, just like al- Qaeda. He was a threat because he had terrorist connections.''
``The world is better off and America is more secure without Saddam Hussein in power."
1. Saddam alleged use of WMD's on his own people took place during the Reagan administration. No invasion of Iraq took place at that time.
2. Saddam's WMD program was developed with the help of the U.S., Italy, and Great Britain. Even hawkis conservative William Safire condemned this in a Dec. 7, 1992 article in the NYT. The President when these weapons were being developed? Ronald Reagan.
3. Iran was described as a terrorist state by Ronald Reagan in a speech in 1985. Shortly after that speech he started selling arms to them illegally, in violation of the Congressional Boland amendment (which he signed) and UN sanctions.
4. Iran, like North Korea, was a sworn enemy of the United States at that time.
So...in analyzing this, we find Ronald Reagan provided the gas that gassed the Kurds. He had terrorist connections and dealt with the government that was responsible for the murder of 241 American Marines. He sold arms to this terrorist government in secret.
Reagan was a threat. We should have invaded the White House in 1990.