Energy Release


Senior Master
As always, I am not sure this will interest anyone enough to respond, but oh well.

I haven't had time to make it to class (mandatory OT), so I have been practicing my forms. Lately I notice my energy release is better on the right side, which is no surprise considering I am right-handed. The weird thing is, it isn't EVERY technique that has poor release: fak sao to the side, jam sao, and the rear low palm strike during Sil Lum Tao. Also, I have literally 0% snap to my kicks. By that I don't mean I should kick my leg out and bring it back; I mean there is no release of energy like there is in my punches. Now granted in a street fight I would probably do little to no kicks but if my plan is to be a teacher of my own students someday, they might get a little suspicious if I completely ignored them.

I know what I need to work on, which is a good start.
There is an exercise you can do to help with that , which is also good for your stance.
Have a partner hold a kick shield at either knee or waist height , bring your leg up at the correct angle from your stance , hold it there in position and place your heel so it is contacting the surface of the pad , then relax and thrust your heel through the pad.

A bit like a 1 inch punch except you are already making contact with the pad.

One method that Tsui Seung Tin uses to develop fast non telegraphic kicking is from your Yjkym stance lean heavily on one side and attempt to kick with the leg you are leaning your weight on.
It forces you to kick fast or you will fall over.

Another one he advocates is leg raising , again from the Yjkym stance , raise each leg alternately with your knee on centerline to waist height.
Try to keep the hip joint nice and relaxed , and keep doing as many reps as you can before your hip flexors give out.
My late Sifu told us that he had many leg raising competitions with Sigung , and Sigung never lost.
There is an exercise you can do to help with that , which is also good for your stance.
Have a partner hold a kick shield at either knee or waist height , bring your leg up at the correct angle from your stance , hold it there in position and place your heel so it is contacting the surface of the pad , then relax and thrust your heel through the pad.

A bit like a 1 inch punch except you are already making contact with the pad.

One method that Tsui Seung Tin uses to develop fast non telegraphic kicking is from your Yjkym stance lean heavily on one side and attempt to kick with the leg you are leaning your weight on.
It forces you to kick fast or you will fall over.

Another one he advocates is leg raising , again from the Yjkym stance , raise each leg alternately with your knee on centerline to waist height.
Try to keep the hip joint nice and relaxed , and keep doing as many reps as you can before your hip flexors give out.
My late Sifu told us that he had many leg raising competitions with Sigung , and Sigung never lost.

Thanks. I will have to rely on those solo drills because I don't have ANYONE in my life who is interested in martial arts. Well, other than my wing chun classmates. By that I mean, no one who comes over to train with me.
join the club no one will come anywhere near me when i'm training at home - thinking that muay thai is a bit too brutal for them cos it contains none of the elegant arms and legs of form in other MA's

hope you find some way of getting through this - it's just a blip so keep fighting it and you will get better at it - just needs some time is all :)

Sometimes I wish I had at least one friend who wouldn't mind getting padded up and letting me beat the crap out of them. LOL

I don't mean to the same exact I would beat up a thug on the street. But every now and then when I train my forms or do chi sao in class, I often wonder: would I be able to handle myself out there? Or would the fight look like a slapstick comedy where I zig instead of zag and maneuver my face in the way of that oncoming punch/kick/headbutt/whatever? I have no way of knowing. Hell, even if a friend DID get padded up and come at me in "unexpected" ways, it would still be somewhat rehearsed...not like on the street where someone might grab you from behind or come at you while you are bent down to tie your shoe.

But then again, I guess the closer you can get your training to reality, the better. Does anyone else agree on that? (I realize that could be a whole other thread, but I just thought of it here.)
Sometimes I wish I had at least one friend who wouldn't mind getting padded up and letting me beat the crap out of them. LOL
You can pay someone $20 for him to spar/wrestle with you for 15 rounds. You may have to pay more than that for any other entertainment.

Next week when I go back to California, I'll put some ad in local gym and offer $20 for 15 rounds of sparring/wrestling. If I still can't find anybody, I'll join in local MMA gym.
Years ago one of my Si Hing's was unable to train at the Kwoon for a while due to work reasons.

So he used to get his girlfriend to attack him with two big empty plastic Coca Cola bottles , the reason being that he could practice his deflections at full force on the plastic bottles without causing injury and bruising to her arms.