Socialism refers to a broad array of ideologies and political movements with the goal of a socio-economic system in which property and the distribution of wealth are subject to control by the community.
Socialism refers to the goal of a socio-economic system in which property and the distribution of wealth are subject to control by the community. This control may be either direct—exercised through popular collectives such as workers' councils—or indirect—exercised on behalf of the people by the state. As an economic system, socialism is often characterized by collective ownership of the means of production, goals which have been attributed to, and claimed by, a number of political parties and governments throughout history, due to this, socialism has been attributed to communism mainly because of the distribution of the wealth controlled as a whole and not individually.
The Democrats lean towards a socialist government. This reduces individual freedom and productivity by taxing the working people more to pay for social programs. Programs are fine, but the government has bankrupted social security and Medicare, and has a history of mismanaging other well meaning programs. In fact, only 21 cents of each dollar paid in to SS actually reaches a retired recipient. Government doesn't manage finances well as those $1,000 hammers clearly show. So, there are those people who look to their governments to become mom and dad (and offer complete control), and there are those who rather pull their own weight and keep government out of their personal lives.
I figured that I would break this topic out, since it has nothing to do with ACORN and I would like to see it discussed a bit more by out passionate and informed membership.
I agree that there are a lot of "socialist looking" ideas in some of Obama's plans. For example, the comment about "redistributing wealth." Now, I think that in that case, the phrase itself is what tends to bring about visions of socialism....but the ideas that Obama is touting are not socialist....they are just a step on that road. He is by no means proposing an egalitarian society. As for Health care, personnally....I don't WANT a $5000 credit. I want rates to go down and an opportunity for anyone to get it. The whole idea of "I'm paying for someone else's health care" IMO is not a good're paying for it anyway. When those people get sick, they end up in free clinics, or in hospitals who are forbidden by law to turn them away....and guess who ends up supporting those programs anyway, the government and the taxpayer. At least with the system that Obama is really talking about (not the one that everyone else seems to think), they are paying for their healthcare, just at lower rates. Basically people who couldn't afford it get the same coverage that me and every other member of the military and civil service gets - a version of TRICARE.
I personally feel that the Government should provide some social programs. I'm not talking about "give according to needs and provide according to abilities" but help for the needy, educational "nudges," research funding, agricultural subsidies. Every government has some level of social programs and I personally dont' believe that it is a very slippery slope. It isn't like if you give too many social programs to the people then *POOF* you're socialist! Honestly, there are just always going to be people who need the government to hold their hand and if that goes away, then they become the problem of the people either homeless or low income or in the worst case scenario, criminal.
So last point here is that just by looking a little socialist, doesn't make you socialist. A few minor programs and policies are just that. A truly socialist government includes total control of manufacturing, egalitarian ideas, and a slew of other broad and far reaching ideas. I really think that we are safely far far away from ever becoming socialist.
And anyway......we still don't know what the best system of government is and what mix of capitalism/socialism/________ism might work.