
  1. Ivan

    Can I watch instructionals to gain knowledge rather than studying them to use specific techniques?

    Hi guys. I was talking to a member of the elite team at my gym the other day - he has been training just a bit longer than me but is so much better that I find him untouchable when I roll with him. When I asked how he improved so fast he mentioned that he watches BJJ instructionals daily and...
  2. Ivan

    Should I focus on one area at a time or multiple areas?

    Hi guys, I've recently returned home from Scotland to stay with my family for Christmas and New Year and went back to the gym that I usually train at when I'm here. I'd recently been working a body-lock pass for BJJ and it's almost at the point where I can use it comfortably; I just need to tidy...
  3. Ivan

    How to use online tape/footage and other resources to improve?

    Hi guys. As many of you know, I aspire to compete professionally in BJJ and at a high level too. I am aware that many high level competitors study tape and footage to improve their jiujitsu. However, I am unsure of how to actually study it, where to start, and how it would actually carry over to...