elbow pain

  1. Ivan

    Elbow pain from framing?

    Hi guys, I have been struggling with elbow pain for a while now. Two months ago I completely stopped BJJ and have been doing work with a sports physio ever since then. At the time, because I tend to train with gi more than no gi, and I have a very full training schedule, 16-20 hours weekly, the...
  2. Ivan

    Pronator teres syndrome in BJJ

    Hey. As some of you may know, I have recently been struggling with elbow pain during BJJ. I went to a physio who has worked with wrestlers and other grapplers in the past and got a diagnosis. I asked him to summarise his findings in an email which I will paste below. My question is whether there...
  3. Ivan

    Elbow Pain after grappling

    Hi guys. I have had an issue with my elbows for quite a while. It started all the way back in January I believe, perhaps some weeks before this. After BJJ training, I would get some extremely sharp pain in my elbows, that was very debilitating and painful - the drives home would be arduous and...