The MartialTalk Network FAQ

What is the MartialTalk Network?

More than a simple 'link exchange', the MartialTalk Network is a growing cross selection of websites who have the goal of helping the martial artist in his or her goals in the arts.

What are the requirements for listing?

A website will be considered for inclusion in the MTN if it meets the following simple requirements:

1- Be a repository of knowledge.(Archives, histories, videos, and some portal sites.)

2- Be well written. (Site must have its own domain name, be reasonably bug free, and updated regularly)

3- Be willing to display the MTN membership logo on either its links page, or preferably the home page. This logo will link back to this FAQ and the members listing.

4- Adhere to the MTN Code of Ethics. This Code, signifies that you conduct your business in a fair and honest manner, and are a good internet citizen, avoiding the sending of SPAM and the dissemination of false information, and behaving responsibly in your emails and forum communications.

5- Be of a child-safe nature. While the arts can get brutal, sites featuring adult content, hate speech, sexist/racist/bigoted content, porn or links to the same will not be included in the MTN.

6- Sites which are totally or mostly devoted to the sale of a product (online proshops, e-stores, etc) are not eligible for inclusion.

How much does it cost?

Nothing. The MartialTalk Network is a free service.

What does the MartialTalk Network actually do?

A couple of things. :)
Its a loose 'alliance' of complimentary sites, whose members will help each other problem solve and improve their sites. A few ideas in the works right now are:
- Sharing of problem users / banned user / troll info across many forums/sites.
- Web Design issues for Martial Arts sites.
- Resource sharing and content feeds.
- A high quality link exchange/web ring (Sites must meet certain standards for inclusion)
- Professional networking for martial arts webmasters

And some more stuff soon as we figure it out. :)

What Banners do I use, and how do I use them?


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  1. Download the banners to your system (In Internet Explorer Right-Click, select Save Picture As)
  2. Upload the image to your own web server. (Please do not link directly to the banners)
  3. Insert the code below into your website. We recommend either on a main page, or your links page.
    <A HREF=""><IMG SRC="FileName" BORDER=0 ALT="The MartialTalk Network - All your Martial Arts Information Needs...and More!"></A>