
Thank you for choosing to donate to Your contribution will help keep the website running and also help to ensure a our continued growth. All contributions go towards the operation of Below are the various options for donating via credit card, check, monthly deduction, or Paypal. Please do not feel obliged or awkward about making a donation, but if you've found anything on the site useful and would like to say 'thank you' then you have the facility. Please note: Donations to are not tax deductable.

We endeavour to answer emails as quickly as possible, but please bear in mind that this site is run in the staffs spare time.

Our ultimate goal is to be able to run the site fulltime, but in order to do this the site needs sponsorship to pay the bills. If you, your company, or anyone else you know would be interested in sponsoring the site please feel free to email [email protected] so we can have an informal chat.

You can also help us by donating any amount of money through the PayPal 'Donate' button below. Even $1 can make a difference.

P.O. Box 3503
Cedar Park, TX 78630

Please make your check out to Forum Foundry Inc. All money goes to the operation of Please include your MartialTalk UserName.

:Credit Card:

At this time, we do not accept credit cards directly for donations. Please see the PayPal section if you wish to donate with a credit card.

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