What Are You Reading?

My wife and I are fans of C.J. Box. He writes the Joe Pickett novels about a Fish and Game Warden in Wyoming. He also writes the "Highway" series which the recent Big Sky series on ABC is based.

He's written a Joe Picket novel every year since 2001. My wife and I read each one as it came out. But with the pandemic we had more free time than usual. She mentioned she wanted to read them again.

So I bought all twenty and we started over. It was so much fun. But, as I said, we had been reading one a year. Now, we were ripping through them. In doing so I caught something that was an inconsistency, and it had me puzzled. Didn't catch it the first time because it had been 13 years since two different books mentioned something.

So I looked up his agent, sent her an e-mail and asked it be passed on to Mister Box. That was about six weeks ago, I forgot all about it.

Today, I got an e-mail from C.J. Box. What a cool thing, what a nice guy to do that. In it he thanked me for the letter and for reading so diligently. He said I was correct about the error and it had been changed in subsequent printings of the novel. (well before I wrote him)

The fact that he would take the time to e-mail me back, and not through his agent, speaks volumes to me. What a cool thing, what a class act he is.
A white paper called: Analyst's take: Force.com application droves faster development and Kingdom Come by Tim LaHaye and Jerry B. Jenkins.

Yea, I am boring sometimes.

I've been reading FEMA manuals for the last two days. (for work) God, I want to tear my eyes out.
My work requires similar reading; at days end I usually close my eyes and fire up a good audio book. I just finished Dr. Sleep by Stephen King, great read and just the remedy from reading government babble all day.
Reading Black Smoke, African Americans and the United States of Barbecue by Adrian Miller. Really cool book if you like to eat and are interested in learning a little.


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