I should’ve started here and I missed it


Yellow Belt
Nov 28, 2023
Reaction score
My bad y’all!

Hey I’m from NYC - I started with a black belt in Japanese karate and then I looked for the Chinese internal schools

I am WSLVT now but I came from a 25 year wutang 3 treasures (sun Lu tang baguzhang, hsing i, taijichuan and aalso a little yang and Chen style as well when I lived abroad) but I’m fully wing chun at this point, and I consider it the 4th internal Chinese martial art. We were the only real wutang school outside of Chinatown in the boros and our sifu was from chinatown so it was a rare gem to find. I went to wing chun because I needed to train, and there was no wutAng around besides chinatown and I’m not Chinese so I’m not going to bother them when I know I’m not really wanted lol

Wing chun sounded and seems to be the closest shaolin art to what I did and once I got to Biu gee and the dummy I found my hypothesis worked. I am now happier than ever in my martial arts life

anyway thanks for the site and for bearing with my poor knowledge of forum etiquette as I joined only upon finding this site (I used to be in a site called taobums but it got nonsense and I stopped using the internet for a while), only got back into the online world this summer and I found this only a couple of nights ago

Glad I did ; wealth of info and great members with long histories of martial arts

Thanks again and happy holidays
Welcome to MartialTalk, brother.
Happy Holidays to you as well. :)
Welcome, hope you can find some good conversations here. I already have and got some good information.
Howdy! Consider yourself firmly chastised for not stopping by and introducing yourself before actually interacting... ;)

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