Chinese medicine

caped crusader

Brown Belt
Oct 2, 2021
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Does anyone know of any medication, natural of course that can help with skin problems? My son Was at a Heilpraktiker here in Germany. in England I think it's a naturopath? Anyway was just wasted money. The normal Doctor wants to give him Biologika injections which cause many side effects. So was thinking today maybe chinese medicine.
Does anyone know of any medication, natural of course that can help with skin problems? My son Was at a Heilpraktiker here in Germany. in England I think it's a naturopath? Anyway was just wasted money. The normal Doctor wants to give him Biologika injections which cause many side effects. So was thinking today maybe chinese medicine.

My wife is a TCM doc from China, but she would need to see him to diagnose. There is no 1 size fits all for all skin issues since the cause is important to TCM diagnosis not so much the result. You need to find a good TCM doc locally. There is a group from China that has formed an organization called ACA (Acupuncture corporation of America) But then that may do you no good if you are not in America, or if they do not have an office near you

Should also add, if you look for a TCM Doc and you see "Trained in China"... ask "Trained in what in China?"

I have see a few who claim to be trained in China, and they are not lying....they were trained in was trained in Western Medicine in China, another was trained as a nurse in China, one was trained as an accountant in China and yet another was trained in Business.
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My wife is a TCM doc from China, but she would need to see him to diagnose. There is no 1 size fits all for all skin issues since the cause is important to TCM diagnosis not so much the result. You need to find a good TCM doc locally. There is a group from China that has formed an organization called ACA (Acupuncture corporation of America) But then that may do you no good if you are not in America, or if they do not have an office near you

Should also add, if you look for a TCM Doc and you see "Trained in China"... ask "Trained in what in China?"

I have see a few who claim to be trained in China, and they are not lying....they were trained in was trained in Western Medicine in China, another was trained as a nurse in China, one was trained as an accountant in China and yet another was trained in Business.
Yeah that's it finding someone good.
Feel free to skip this if you don't have psoriasis/eczema.

Speaking as an individual with psoriasis/eczema for almost fifty years, in 2007, I was given a tar preparation while in China in a small jar. It did a good job of keeping the flakes at bay, but like anything out there, it was topical, and alleviated the effects, but not the cause. But that could be fine for you.

However, given that it's likely an autoimmune disorder, if we want to eliminate it at the source, we might want to look at internal factors, such as stress. Here's some personal anecdotal data (sample of one, of course):
  • mine first appeared at age 12, when I experienced a febrile seizure
  • the patches came and went over the next forty years or so.
  • various topical treatments helped, but they required regular application. I stopped around 2008.
  • I tried an aerosol that combined an element that basically ate the flakes with one that added a steroid. It worked, but it was expensive ($120 for 3 months), and again, topical, so I gave it up. If I were a nude model (ha!) I would have kept up with that one, just for the clean look ... but I don't know about the long-term effects.
  • under extreme mental stress one Christmas (2013, I think), I developed a large patch on each shin.
  • however, around the week of graduating from university (age 57, and a very good week), those two new patches nearly completely disappeared! Yay! But then one of them (on the right) came back. Boo!
  • Before Covid, I started to win more often at squash (a racquet sport), and was quite happy. Again, the right patch nearly disappeared! Yay! But then with covid lockdown, it came back. Boo!
Why did they go away at graduation and when winning? Being a bit of a showoff, I can assume that because those events were allAboutMe, my inner narcissist was being satisfied. Or maybe my self-esteem was just boosted by success, or I just felt great.

The point? There might be something stressing you out, from which you need to free yourself. I don't know. It ain't magic, it's psych.

Of course, as I wrote, if psoriasis/eczema isn't the problem, then ... never mind!
See if you can get coal tar: it’s not just from TCM.

I just remembered: another TCM doctor suggested applying apple cider vinegar.
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