Celebrating Buddha's Birthday in Korea

Any one ever attend a Buddhist Temple on Buddha's birthday for bibimbap and tea? How about any other special event on that day?
This year it is May 28 in Korea.

Our office represents the korean buddhist temple here. I'll go ask the next time they are in the office. I'm sure I can get an invite. And funny you should mention bibimbap, I just ate that today for lunch.
Any one ever attend a Buddhist Temple on Buddha's birthday for bibimbap and tea?

How about any other special event on that day?

This year it is May 28 in Korea.
I was there during the celebration a couple of years back. Korea is riddled with colorful lanterns and decorations during this time. I spent a whole day at the temple near my wife's hometown with my mother-in-law helping out with chores around there and going to their services. At night time they lit up all the lanterns. It was a very peaceful and beautiful site. I think the best part of it all was that my wife visited with her friends the whole day so I was placed in a position where nobody spoke English, and communication was done through a lot of gestures, smiles and laughs.

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