9/11/2001 Terroristic Attack on NYC and Washington DC

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Jeremy Glick, one of the leaders of the plane that fought back against the terrorists was a member of my fraternity and his been given the highest honour our fraternity can bestow.
Try clicking on the link to open it normally, then try the right-click save-pic thing. It lets me save it as a jpg either way, but I'll try it from a diferent PC ASAP n see.

You can't honor these folks or those working right now in both NYC and DC enough, IMHO. Its a sad time, but its also great to see how much folks are coming together.
Tried that...keeps wanting to be saved as 'attachment.php' and not 'flagraise.jpg' as you have it in the post. Hurm.

Thanks, but I got it now :)
Basically, I just renamed the file from 'attachment.php' to 'flagraise.jpg' and it worked just fine.

Looks like there was at least 1 martial arts expert on the flights...
From http://cnn.com

".... Passenger Jeremy Glick, 31, a 6-foot-1 judo champ, called his wife to tell her his plane had been hijacked. He said the hijackers had stabbed a flight attendant -- and to find out if what he had heard was true -- that another plane had crashed into the World Trade Center in New York.

When she said yes, Glick put the phone down. When he came back on the line, he told her the male passengers had taken a vote to attack the hijackers. .....

Passenger Tom Burnett, a 6-foot-2 former high school quarterback, was also apparently part of the group. .......

The fourth member of the passenger revolt -- and there may have been others -- was Mark Bingham -- a 6-foot-5 rugby player. ..."

Theres a bit more to the article...interesting read.
Was a member of my fraternity and as such for his actions will be recieving the highest honour our fraternity bestows.
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