

Latest comments

  • Taekkyun and Gyeotchagi
    Keep practicing and you will master it.
  • The Xingyi Addict Rides Again
    Something I want to add about Xingyiquan in general, that many seem to miss, or not know based on their martial arts training. Xingyiquan is not...
  • The Xingyi Addict Rides Again
    Get it brother! And my instructor actually recommended this guy's videos to me! We're Goju ryu but he also practices and teaches CMA and said...
  • Not worth the time or effort.
    I won't try again. 2 times was a wasted effort.
  • TTFN
    One last thing after a bit of a realization last week Internal matters (not qi) but body unity, use of force and/or fajin and, rooting...

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Blog entries
Nothing to see here. Just testing out a feature change.
So before I get to my video experiment, two things need to be explained, first about how Shaolin Kempo Karate works, and about my recent history. Quick explanation of the style, at least at my main school (it varies from school to school): there are forms (which stay consistent), about 12-13...
So before I get to my video experiment, two things need to be explained, first about how Shaolin Kempo Karate works, and about my recent history. Quick explanation of the style, at least at my main school (it varies from school to school): there are forms (which stay consistent), about 12-13...
This is my first blog post, not just on here, but anywhere online. I'm writing it mostly to sort out my own thoughts, and share those thoughts for anyone interested. It's probably going to be much longer than it needs to be. It may or may not be coherent. If it is, great, if not, I don't really...