Your mother always told you ...


Don't get Chewed!
MTS Alumni
Jul 22, 2004
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a happy place
To all the Mom's out there... Have a Happy Mother's Day!

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Your mother used to tell you the same things over and over again. Not because she liked the sound of her own voice, but because you didn't listen.

[font=Geneva, Arial] These little life lessons had a point. Maybe you didn't know it at the time, perhaps nor did she ... but you were being prepared for the real world. She knew what she was talking about. [/font]

[font=Geneva, Arial] A five-pack of things your mother told you ... and what it really meant ... [/font]

[font=Geneva, Arial] 5. Your mother said: "Be nice to your sister/brother!" What you didn't know at the time: Your siblings would grow up and become more successful than you and you'd have to go to them for money. [/font]

[font=Geneva, Arial] 4. Your mother said: "Always wear clean underwear." What neither of you knew at the time: That this advice would come in handy years later when you unexpectedly hooked up with someone at a house party. [/font]

[font=Geneva, Arial] 3. Your mother said: "Eat it, it's good for you." What you didn't know at the time: She was right, and had you continued to eat what your mother deemed "good for you" you probably wouldn't be overweight today. [/font]

[font=Geneva, Arial] 2. Your mother said: "That's not funny!" What she was trying to tell you: Seriously, you're not funny. Plus, whatever gag you're currently employing has been seen a million times. Please find some new material or you'll grow up to become a one-trick pony in the same vein as your "pull my finger" uncle. [/font]

[font=Geneva, Arial] 1. Your mother said: "If so-and-so jumped off a bridge, would you do it, too?" What she really meant was: Your friend is a loser. The fact he puts funny things up his nose and can make fart noises with his armpit does not guarantee success in the future. Find a new role model. [/font]

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Great post! Although I have to challange #5. Even though my brother makes more money than I do, occasionally he does ask me for a loan. Course him being my brother I can't say no, even if it's a strain for me but I manage okay......#3 is right on target. Had I eaten most that was labeled good for me, I wouldn't be the lard butt Im now. Well maybe not that big but still. On the other side of the coin, my mom made some killer pasta and awesome BBQ ribs.......Fortunately my mom never had to deal with #1. I was never one to follow the crowd or trends. I followed my own path and if that may me uncool, so what. Rest In Peace Mom! I love you and miss you alot! You're still the best! All the best, Steve

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