Working For your teacher


3rd Black Belt
May 23, 2003
Reaction score
Washington, Michigan
Just Wondering How many people work for the sifu or sensei or sa bum ?
I am right now but I am about to go to collage in dec so i am going to have to leave. But I was wondering was what you thought working with them I am there 40 hrs a week working I learned alot of stuff but we get on eachs other nevers seeing each other so much but let me know about what if you worked with them how it went
I do 1 day of classes a week and help out whenever else I can. I haven't had any problems getting along with my instructor, but we don't see each other that much either. I don't see why we would though.
That probably is good training for you when you are a teacher. What is a underbelt black. I would think you are either a colored belt or a deputy or recommended black, that you either pass your black belt test or haven't gotten there yet. If you taken your black belt test, then you can teach in college to keep your skills up or if they have an established class there, you might be able to assist.

I don't have a problem working with my instructor/master but he doesn't delegate much "authority" to me in the same class. I have taught other classes for him though, mixed, women's and kids, and led kickboxing for many years. TW
I was an assistant instructor at a dojang that I was at. It was fun, but yet, I think I was allowed to teach (lead class) too soon. Assisting when you are a color belt is ok as long as the instructor is there. But I was all alone, lots of questions (as far as teaching goes), and no one to ask. I was "dumped" into teaching for the YMCA by myself with 25+ kids, and I was just a blue belt when I started. Needless to say, I only taught there for 6 months. I didn't feel right doing it.
I am a Jonior instructor but I don't get paid....but insead i could ask my Sensi at anytime if he can work out and if not I can go to the Dojo and work out on my own or with someone else.......Its called Fringe Benifets to be friends with the Sensi.
Shogun said:
Havent as a "real" job, but students can work at the Shrine for mat fees. Gardening and such.
So you train at the shrine - is your religious practice shinto as well?

(I know, off topic, sorry)
Not an issue for me, as Sensei does not teach for a living, our monthly fees cover the rental of the community center, and perhaps offset the cost of his gear some. I have taught classes for him sometimes... (just to get back on topic)
I don't work for my Sensei, but when he's running late or can't make it in he'll call me to see if I can take a class or give an intro for him. I'm not a paid instructor, so I take it as an honor when he gives me his students.

I'm at the dojo 5 days a week, hours a day anyway. So the question was, does it get on your nerves working so closely with the instructor? My answer is never. We've become close personal friends away from the dojo. My sensei is as comfortable as an old shoe when he's not being scary.
I work for my instructor 5 days a week and am paid to do so. I also work full-time since ma instruction alone wouldn't pay the bills right now. I teach the lil dragons class, cardio kickboxing class, and help out with all other classes. Sometimes I'll teach every class on one day. Other times I'll just help out with every class. I love what I do and never have any problems with my sifu whatsoever.
TallAdam85 said:
No I Run the store

Well, that was not too explanatory of your training. Do you mean you run the equipment store? In Taekwondo, we are not allowed to teach regular classes, either adult or kids until your have passed the recommended black belt test (to become an assistant teacher black belt). That's for the reason Karate Kid mentioned. Just not enough training under your belt, not comfortable enough to teach without demonstrating-should be able to verbally instruct and describe exactly what the movements are. Also an underbelt is not tested in all the requirements, forms, technique, etc. to be reliable. To show a colored belt wrong, I think, is a major travesty. Not only are they confused when they get corrected (hopefully-later) but they get a very dim view of the teacher who "taught" them in the first place and a dim view of the place where they are training. Hence, that is why just black belts who have tested and know what it is like to be taught wrong, teach. That is why I ask. But, if you are teaching while in the presence of the master, head instructor, you can consult him when you are in doubt and no damage is done to the student. However, if you are running the show as they say, as an underbelt, it is not a good thing. TW
My first instructors day job was photographer, and I worked fro him on weekends at weddings, it started off as a gopher job, and eventually he had me take pics, until it got to the point where we each be working a different weeding. At times it was tough because if either of us were upset about the photography or something else it was hard to put it aside for class times. Luckily we never did let it effect or class times. It was very stressful from Oct 1st to mid January each year because he also did 8mm film to video transfer for home movies,a nd christmas was his biggest season, so I had to run the school as well during that time. We got on each others nerves a lot, but it also made us a lot closer in the end.
I totally agree, TigerWoman. The dojang I'm at now, we help out in class as red belts as a requirement. But we are NOT allowed to teach. Only black belts run classes. That's fine with me, cause I'm learning as I go, and the instructor is always there if I have a question. I like it so much better this way. I will be ready to teach alone when I get my black belt.