Universal Health Care: Opinions please?

BlueDragon - why not? I'm curious, why do you think it works in other places but we couldn't make it work here? Is it the people, the political structure, the wealthy classes blocking it.... It seems a shame to give up if it's succeeded elsewhere.
michaeledward said:
Yes Pete .. it is very non-sensical ... but it happens. If you could not detect the dripping sarcasm and anger in my words when I called that "UNIVERSAL HEALTH CARE", I apologize. Doctors will treat the sick and injured. This is especially true in emergency rooms. And when that happens, somebody pays for the service.

Certainly, I wouldn't call that universal health care. It's kind of like invading a country with enough soldiers to defeat the enemy army, but not to protect the citizenry in the aftermath.

Can the United States do better for all of its citizens? I believe we can. If you don't think that we, as a nation, can do better for each of us, please take a look at the man in the mirror and ask him why not.

Mike, the bit I'd like to address is underlined, but I didn't wan't to take it out of context.

Of course it can. So too can any country. Call me pessimistic, but I don't believe that there is any contemporary leader who can get the United States there, now, with respect to health care. Clearly, the position is about aquiring power. Not leading Americans to a better life.

Now of course, one candidate is better suited to begin walking the path than the other. That's a no brainer. But by the time they begin the journey, the mandate's up, a government changes, and nothing is accomplished. I know its cynical, but you know its true.

Putting your money on a long term goal, in a Western Democratic/Capitalistic system, is a long, long term investment. And its still 50/50 as to whether or not there'll be a payoff.

The money's just not there right now. How many tens of billions are you guys spending internationally right now? Where can the funding come from? Who's ready for a tax hike?

We pay a ton in Canada for our "healthcare". And the system is a mess. The cost goes up and up and up. And when the current gov't needs to shave a bit out of the budget, they're the ones (health care) who don't get funding increases to keep up with inflation. Yet we're coming to a point in the demographic cycle when there is NO OTHER program that requires greater attention, and access to funding.

I just think the timing's wrong. Particularly in the context of the current American debt load/ deficit budget history.


The difference between the US and Canada concerning budget items.

Canada supports state sponsored welfare for the health industry

United States supports state sponsored welfore for the military industrial complex.

The money would easily be there, if the United States chose to spend, let's say, only as much as the next 6 countries do on national defense, instead of what the next 11 countries spend.

But, today, you will never hear a rational argument for cutting the pentagon's budget.

The canard of the uninsured accident victim being treated is always used to try to bolster the proponents of for-profit health care. Nobody can argue about that. What is at issue is the uninsured who have no access to regular, non-life threatening situation health care. It is hard to comprehend that a country like the US can have so many of it's citizens without adequate health care. You don't need to look very far, MA forums are replete with people seeking advice for treatment of what sounds like serious injuries, but who can't seek medical advice because of lack of coverage.

To the argument that unversal health care is inferior, let me point out that Canada is home to a number of world renowned hospitals. Our health professionals are second to none. Sure, the system is not perfect. But it does work. There are waiting lists, but they are short circuited in case of emergencies. When my sciatica left me almost incapable to walk earlier this week, I got the CT scan within days, and was in the OR, with the neuro surgeon of my choice 1 week after. We need to work on Canada's system, but it sure beats the alternative.
pete said:
thanks for sticking with it and following along... now i've got to get back to my 24 eight by ten color glossies with pictures and arrows and a paragraph on the back explaining what each one was to be used as evidence against us...
Arlo Guthrey!!!! I have no idea how you got his song into this thread, but congrats all the same. By the way, my apologies if I misspelled the guy's name.

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