Top ten signs you've got wrong Doctor


Gary Crawford

The Top 10 Signs You've Got The Wrong Doctor

10. Directions To His Office Include The Phrase, "Turn Off The Paved Road."

9. Magazines In The Waiting Room: "Juggs," "Cracked," And "Soldier Of Fortune."

8. Medical Diploma On The Wall Appears To Be The Warranty From A Craftsman Cordless Screwdriver

7. Number 5 On The Patient Questionnaire: "Are You The Type Who's Likely To Press Charges?"

6. He's Wearing A Pair Of Pants You Gave To Goodwill Last Month.

5. All The Tongue Depressors Have A Faint Taste Of Fudgesicle.

4. You Don't Seem To Remember Viagra Coming In Different Colors With Little M's On Them.

3. Your "Stress Test" Consists Of An Appearance With Your Relatives On "The Jerry Springer Show."

2. Giggles Uncontrollably Whenever He Hears The Word "Rectum"

And the Number One Sign You've Got The Wrong Doctor...

His Answer To Dubious Test Results: "Oh Well...Let's All Do A Shot.


Senior Master
MTS Alumni
Jul 30, 2004
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Twin Cities
Seig said:
What about the one where he tells you to drop your pants and he reaches for his belt buckle?????/
what kind of doctor do you go to?

Ronin Moose

Blue Belt
Jun 11, 2004
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Yucaipa, CA.
How about when he goes to write you a prescription, reaches in his pocket and pulls out a rectal thermometer. Then, with a puzzled looks says "I wonder what happened to my fountain pen?"


Columbia Martial Arts Academy
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May 27, 2004
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Not BC, Not DC
When he brings in the medical book to look up the lesions on your hands, feet, arms and legs to identify the skin condition you have.

When he asks the nurse, "Well, I'm open for suggestions - what's your opinion?"

When you go in for a strep swab and he tells you to put your feet in the stirrups.

When he tells you to drink a cup of cyanide and call him in the morning.

When he walks in wearing nothing but his white coat and stethescope - the the stethescope isn't hanging around his neck.....

When you go in for your yearly physical (ladies), assume the position, and he says, "Now say ahhhhh....."

When he comes in the room and lies down on the table and starts telling you HIS problems.

When he enters the exam room with a cleaver and says, "Now - where's that mole???"

When you tell him you have never had pneumonia, he says, "Want some?"

When you see his doctorate in his office the university name is "Cracker Jack."

Xue Sheng

All weight is underside
Jan 8, 2006
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North American Tectonic Plate
The Top 10 Signs You've Got The Wrong Doctor

10. Directions To His Office Include The Phrase, "Turn Off The Paved Road."

9. Magazines In The Waiting Room: "Juggs," "Cracked," And "Soldier Of Fortune."

8. Medical Diploma On The Wall Appears To Be The Warranty From A Craftsman Cordless Screwdriver

7. Number 5 On The Patient Questionnaire: "Are You The Type Who's Likely To Press Charges?"

6. He's Wearing A Pair Of Pants You Gave To Goodwill Last Month.

5. All The Tongue Depressors Have A Faint Taste Of Fudgesicle.

4. You Don't Seem To Remember Viagra Coming In Different Colors With Little M's On Them.

3. Your "Stress Test" Consists Of An Appearance With Your Relatives On "The Jerry Springer Show."

2. Giggles Uncontrollably Whenever He Hears The Word "Rectum"

And the Number One Sign You've Got The Wrong Doctor...

His Answer To Dubious Test Results: "Oh Well...Let's All Do A Shot.

You forgot the sign above the door

"All hope abandon, ye who enter here"

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