Shihan Daniel Hernandez Video Clip!

Your Taijutsu may not be good enough! Especially if you fight like this guy
Wow is that the actual Ashida Kim?

I've read dozens of threads & probably hundreds of posts on different forums about this guy but seriously, that has to be the worst clip I've ever seen :erg:

I didn't know whether to laugh or cry...
Fallen Ninja,

I dont think you need a strike to the jaw for asking questions. Dont let yourself get bullied by those kinds of comments.
Thanks for the advise... I do sometimes let that happen. I'm working on that.

Yes, that really is Ashida Kim! I laughed so much when I saw that video!
Fallen Ninja,

You've been given some good advice. Having said that I'd remind you not to dismiss your own judgment, just because someone tells you to.

I dont think you need a strike to the jaw for asking questions. Dont let yourself get bullied by those kinds of comments.

somehow i don't think Ben intended the way YOU think...

I'd listen to Ben's advice,

Whereas yours...?

somehow i don't think Ben intended the way YOU think...

Seemed pretty straightforward. What was the hidden message?

I'd listen to Ben's advice,

Whereas yours...?

I see the problem. Trusting your own judgment, and not letting yourself get bullied. Seems strange and unorthodox, I know. Thanks for your input into the discussion.
Let's all return to the topic of the thread and that is the video clip origionally posted. Could anyone tell me what they liked or disliked? What about the various techniques in the video any ideas on those?

Thanks in advance for returning to topic.
I see the problem. Trusting your own judgment, and not letting yourself get bullied. Seems strange and unorthodox, I know. Thanks for your input into the discussion.

Fallen Ninja asked a question: "I'm know I'm going to get trashed on this... but doesn't anyone else feel that he is a bit young to be a 15th Dan?" and then added the comment "It just seems like we give out rank for no reason. I know other arts that some never reach Nidan but in ours after Shodan..."

Both parts of his post reflect an *INAPPROPRIATE ASSESSMENT* of what Bujinkan rank represents. First, what the rank of 15th Dan is given for. Second, for comparing ranks in the Bujinkan with ranks in other arts. And third, for thinking that ranks should be compared across individuals within the Bujinkan.

I clarified where he should place his attention instead....

And you have suggested what? That Fallen Ninja is being "bullied" for asking a question? :rolleyes:

Certainly one should always trust one's own judgment, but the basis of that judgment needs to reflect the reality of the judging.

Fallen Ninja's comments are akin to eating a banana and complaining that it doesn't taste like an orange because they are both fruits. That is inappropriate, and if Fallen Ninja (or anyone, for that matter) hopes to actually be happy in the Bujinkan, he needs to understand that he shouldn't expect a banana to taste like an orange.

Let's get this back on track.

Okay Ben how about your impression regarding the video? Specifically Sensei Edson Bueno's Ganseki Nage midway through the video.
And you have suggested what? That Fallen Ninja is being "bullied" for asking a question? :rolleyes:

Sorry Brian. This is it for me. Kudos on your moderation.

His confusion about rank is understandable. Most people see grades being a reflection of skill. You earn a doctorate in college by demonstrating advanced skill in your field. Not by earning the friendship of your professors, or by demonstrating other random qualities. You must be able to apply your skill at the highest levels in order to reach the higher levels. So, IMO a reasonable question, and reasonable confusion by Fallen ninja.

As far as being say someone deserves to be hit in the jaw for asking what you see to be a naive question, is a bully tactic Ben.
Mod. Note.
Please, keep the conversation on topic..

-Brian R. VanCise
-MT Moderator-

Okay everyone had their say and now let us return to topic!
Heh Heh Heh.

Youv'e obviously never been hit by Ben.

Whoever neg repped me for this, my answer to your question is yes, I have, and I learned from it instead of whining it was unfair, or that his Taijutsu wasn't good enough.

And for what its worth the hits were fast, and harder than I have been hit in most of the real fights I have been in. I'm scared to think what those hits would be like if they were "for real". So, It was a legitimate answer to the comment his Taijutsu wasnt good enough, from someone who has been there.
My god you people are stupid, I wasn't whining about my rep, I was answering the QUESTION the Anonymous rep-giver ASKED in my rep comment area. If he had be bold enough to give his name, I would have answered him directly instead if in thread... He did not so I had to address His question here.

And in answer to YOUR anonymous comment, thats the way its done... when YOU are in charge of the Bujinkan (hahaha) feel free to change that.

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