Qi Kwan Do


White Belt
Dec 3, 2015
Reaction score
Hey I was just wondering if any of you knew what Qi Kwan Do is, as there is a class for it about 10 minutes away and I want to know whether its good/useful for self defense.
Did some googling. Assuming that you're talking about these guys...

... then I'm not too impressed by what I'm seeing. The technique in the videos doesn't look very good. The founder is a self-promoted grandmaster with questionable qualifications.

However I have no first hand knowledge of the art, so take my opinion with a grain of salt. Maybe some of our UK members will know more about the system.
I don't believe so, it's just a class at a local gym.
I don't think that's the place, but I suppose I could always just drop in to see what they do there
Might help if you told us who the instructor is, where it is, etc...
I looked at the YouTube channel Tony found, and I found THIS as well.
As Tony said, the Grandmasters credentials, training, and background are pretty sketchy. And what I saw in the videos left me underwhelmed.
That being said, the best answer is always go take a look for yourself and see what you think.
<Begin my best Geore Takei> Oooooooooohhhhhhhhh .... mmmmyyyyyyy </end Takei>