Northeast Blackout Party!


I slept thru my college years..hmm....that explains soooo much. :)
Originally posted by arnisador
Always! I won't stand for anything else!

Who else has no power? power is a thing in the distant past for me...I got it back about 5 hours after it went out.
Ya know....just a shameless plug here...

While the NE was in the dark, -we- were up and running at full speed. We suffered -no- downtime for any of our sites. I had a chat with our datacenter and the short (english) version is, they can run for well over a week without outside power due to their redundant backup generators.

Really cool huh?


I now return you to "Candle lighting 101"
Excellent! It never hurts to have all types of redundant precautions in place, especially when it comes to IT and data.
You never want to wake up and find out that the **** has hit the fan... :xtrmshock
Originally posted by cali_tkdbruin
Excellent! It never hurts to have all types of redundant precautions in place, especially when it comes to IT and data.
You never want to wake up and find out that the **** has hit the fan... :xtrmshock

Nope. Had it happen once. Never again. :)

Psst.....hey everyone....we do hosting. :) Nice rates....and a lemon fresh scent! :rofl:
Originally posted by Kaith Rustaz
I blame 'Al Kyda'. Where was our Homeland Sucurity? They need to stop checking out Aunt Frida's dirty Ka-Nickers at the areoport and start doing their duty. That being, running on those little wheels under Niagara Falls so we can have our Conditioned Air, and Processed Water. Yes.

(ok, so I'm a little baked as I spent the day in the hot sun at the country fair today.) :)

I still blame Al.... or Bill. Its one of their faults. :)

Blame "Da Buffalo Bunch." That's what happens to ya when you don't pay on time! Next time, they won't pick up your garbage!:eek:
Hey, it was you Ohio types who started it.

Here in Western IN we had a brief outage about 4AM that morning, but nothing more.
There was just a post in RMA about a seminar rescheduled because of the blackout.

Sounds from the news like this blackout will end up being very expensive when all is said and doen.
Total Chaos. I got the hell out of Dodge and spent the weekend in the country, on the other side of the state. I am back in town today. It was kinda nuts here for a little bit. I thought "they" did a good job of getting things up and running again, however.

I had phone calls from Plants in SPring Hill TN and from people in SE MI because they all thought we jsut had to get issue resolved. We had meetings every day at 3:00 PM and sometimes also at 10:00 AM. It is very frustrating to actualy have got a day off like this and then not only have to work it, yet work the weekend. Oh Yeah All unpaid :(.

In the end I have to run around on Monday and get things done and the plant will have its; parts on Tuesday. Not Monday Morning. Not like the world has come to an end. Yes, it is a wuality improvment we want to get into the customers hands. It is not anything real big or the plant would have stopped building cars. Yet, everyone acts like it would happen.

Just venting :eek:
Originally posted by TheRustyOne
*shakes fist* darn swiss....can't even make good

where was i at the time of the power outtages? i don't remember getting hit...

*pokes Abbey*

uhh you were in class , we weren't affected by the outages~!!!

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