New American Kenpo Blog Website


Black Belt
Jan 19, 2005
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Hi Friends,

My wife has created a blog website for me to generate interesting discussions as they pertain to American Kenpo. I try my best to share advice that will help others in their journey. To view just click here:

There is also a link of this blog website off my regular Kenpo website:
Nice Blogpage!

Does it have an RSS feed?

Nia:wen Thank you.

Not that I am aware of, but I will check with the webmaster (my wife).

Do keep checking for updates as I am putting new insights into it constantly.
I just posted one of my favorite sparring drills that I think everyone would enjoy. My wife posted it a little prematurely, so don't be too picky on the grammar for this one.
Hi Friends,

My latest blog article is about fighting strategy against opponents that like to run away every time you try to put a combination together. Tell me that can't get frustrating? To view the article, and many others, click here:

I would love to hear your feedback, either on the articles, or your success in trying to implement them.

Jamie Seabrook
My blog for this week is an interesting one for EPAK practitioners:

The problem of teaching the what-if stage to beginners.

I would love to hear what everyone thinks of it.
I just discovered this, I can't wait to explore! I'm sure it will be great!

Thank you for sharing your experiences in Kenpo. I look forward to exploring your site more.
Here is a new article I wrote examining the following:

Body Position, Environment, and Range.

The idea behind this article came from an Ed Parker seminar I was viewing. Before reading it, place in rank order what you feel is the most important between body position, environment, and range.

Now click here to read the article:

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