Most Complete Style of Kung Fu at all ranges


Yellow Belt
Mar 23, 2012
Reaction score
Not the name, its the teacher. Here is the checklist

1. Kicks and punching long rang
2. Long range and short range footwork, circular and angular footwork
3, Body contacts
4. Close range kicking and striking
5. Internal work, breath work
6. massage, herbs, bone setting acupuncture and medicine
7. 108 joint locks
8. 36 throws and theories of shuai jiao
9. Special methods of power generation
10. Gongs and jins of special development
11. 18 classical weapons including modern weapons
12. Groundfighting and grappling (not the same thing) upright groundfighting is found in some of the more complete systems

Character principle theories.

If a system has these things they can be complete and lead you from jing to qi to shen and will likely have the complete Pai including spiritual training.

This exists and is taught at some schools. I am not giving the name of the systems that offer this because it is misleading to follow a brand. Some of the systems have all of this and never show it except to one student. You won't know if your teacher has this unless you follow the system to completion. Whether you found it or not depends on your luck. Some really loser looking systems are secretly great.