Is your Favorite TV Show on Permanent Hiatus or not?


Sr. Grandmaster
MTS Alumni
Apr 16, 2002
Reaction score
Somewhere Wild,Wonderful and Wicked
Check it out.. Updated listing of what's not going to be airing this fall and what is..

I like Angel, Charmed ,Smallville andBuffy *hey don't hold it against me *G*

I also like CSI but yep.. CSI Miami.. just couldn't agree more with the review..

TV Shows here
Smallville's season premier is next wednesday...Seig's already asked me to tape it for him. ;) ...and they took Witchblade off the air...dirty rotten sonsabitches..:2pistols:
oh did they now.. the Rudesters~!! Pffts..
course unless they totally rewrote the script format.. hard to go anywhere with it from where they left off.. repeating history was good once.. but don't think it would of worked again.

THE SHIELD isnt on that list...

Not that Id know if it was on or not... what with my lacking anything remotley resembling a TV signal.
Originally posted by Technopunk

THE SHIELD isnt on that list...

Not that Id know if it was on or not... what with my lacking anything remotley resembling a TV signal.

Oh it better be coming back.. we bought the first season on DVD.. that's one tough show~!!!
Just in time for sweeps!

...i've been watching so little tv when i'm here at'd prolly be more if the tv was in my room. lol.
I really don't watch network TV, just mostly the cable sports channels (ESPN, ESPN2, FOXSports, etc.), and HBO's the Sopranos, but the one broadcast network show I do watch is not on haitus as of yet. Maybe it should go.

And, the TV show I'm talking about that I like is the West Wing , but the storylines are getting more and more wacky. :confused:

Perhaps the show should go on haitus. After watching last night's episode with President Sheen taking a sabaticcal, I thought the show is really going Hollywood. I can't imagine Prez George Dubya ever taking a sabaticcal or for that matter Bill Clinton going on sabaticcal when he was Prez.
Aww, Tough Enough is on perm. fluffy will have more to complain about.
yeah. the WWE's reality tv show.

...according to that list, several mtv shows are going bye bye. road rules, tough enough, road rules/real world challenge (duh), frat/sorority life, making the band (thank goodness!), etc. will mtv be cool again??!!!

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