5th Annual Warriors Weekend


Green Belt
Jan 12, 2005
Reaction score
Warriors Weekend
June 10th - 12th, 2005
Sesquicentennial State Park, Conference Facility​
Columbia, South Carolina​
Open to ALL Ranks & Systems
8 Seminars
Koyshi Gary Shull 7th Dan
Oyata Ryu-Te & Oyata Shin Sho Ho Ryu
Widely known and sought after instructor of​
Taika Oyatas system of Ryu - Te and a memeber of the Elite group of Master Oyatas Shin Sho Ho Ryu students / instructors. Mr Shull will teach the fundamentals of these systems.​
Shihan Tom Ryan 7th Dan
Danzan Ryu JuJitsu
Internationally recongnized and sought after as one of the leading authorities in Danzan Ryu. Mr Ryan will share his skill and knowledge of Danzan Ryu.​
Mr. Kenny Moody
Kilindi Iyi: Te - Merrian, African Martial Arts
Mr. Moody is a senior studnet of the internationaly world reknown Kilindi Iyi. Mr Moody will teach traditional African Dance. Dance is the precursor of kata. Mr moody will teach and demonstrate the conbative aspect of dance movement​
Guru J. Miller
Penjak Silat El-Amen
Silat is considered to be one of the oldest kown fighting systems. As the leading authority of this system. Guru will share his awesome skill and knowledge of this rare and ancient system of Silat.​
Shihan V. Sanhodo 7th Dan
Di Nippon JuJitsu
Senior student of the late Shizyura Tanaka and a student of th eMartial science for over 35 years. Mr Sanhodo will teach and share this classicla system of JuJitsu.​
Shihan Will Marvin 6th Dan
Kuniba Sogo Goshin-Do
Student of the late Soke Kunbia and Koyshi Marvin. Shihan Marvin will be teaching Soke Kuniba's system of Sogo GoshinDo.​
Mist're T. Perry
Caporeria Americana
Mist're Perry is considered to be one of the most dynamic instructors and leading authorities of this system of caporeria. Come, learn and expierence this awesome high energy art.​
Mr. Steve Sawyer
Army Ranger Ground Fighting
Mr. Sawyer is the Co-Founder of the US Army Ranger Ground Fighting Program. Mr Sawyer will teach this incredible ground fighting system.​
$125.00 per person
Includes all 8 Seminars, Lodging and Meals
For more Informatio​
Shihan V. Sanhodo​