
  1. Ivan

    Competition results and footage: No Gi

    Hey guys! This is a continuation from my last thread with the remainder of my competition footage. Any advice or criticism is appreciated. Match 6, Gi Finals - Loss via Triangle choke This is a match which I am quite ashamed of. My opponent pulled guard straight into a foot and collar guard...
  2. Ivan

    Drilling or Rolling to improve?

    Hi guys I was hoping I could get some advice for improving my BJJ. I am currently struggling in understanding how to improve my BJJ. When I worked on my boxing it was fairly simple; I would take one technique or one footwork drill and practice to exhaustion or perfection. But it's a little...
  3. M

    Struggling with sparring/rolling as a female

    I've started to get back into Muay Thai (5x a week), strength training (2x a week) and then BJJ gi and no gi (5x a week), which is manageable for me. But the issues im having is: For Muay Thai: Everyone I spar with is a male and usually over 6ft and just built like an absolute unit, im 5'4 on a...