
  1. M

    Struggling with sparring/rolling as a female

    I've started to get back into Muay Thai (5x a week), strength training (2x a week) and then BJJ gi and no gi (5x a week), which is manageable for me. But the issues im having is: For Muay Thai: Everyone I spar with is a male and usually over 6ft and just built like an absolute unit, im 5'4 on a...
  2. Aaron

    Breaking into XMA

    Hey ya'll I've a background in traditional Kenpo Karate, Ju-Jitsu, and Muay Thai as well as having dabbled into a little bit of other Martial Arts and I'm wanting to break into something like what Mike Chat does with his Extreme Martial Arts (XMA) putting a little more emphasis on the "art" side...
  3. K

    Uppercut to the ribs...

    Hello, I am a thirteen year old black belt in multiple styles such as Kickboxing Jujitsu MMA and Karate. Last night I was boxing when I took a hard uppercut below the belt line (my floating rib and ribs above) And I didn't feel the pain at first, but now I feel it hard. Breathing hurts, I feel...
  4. S

    Ignorant People About Martial Arts

    What do you guys think about people who disrespect martial arts? Theres this guy im friends with and he stereotyped martial arts. When I asked him if he could beat a Muay Thai and boxing practitioner who is also a friend of mine, he said he could probably beat him because he doesnt care about...